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"Are you ok Jia-yah? You seem very tired" Ni-ki worriedly looked at his girlfriend

"Yeah I'm fine" she reassured him with a smile

Riki wrapped an arm around her and caressed her hand with his tumb

"Can I.... meet your family?" Jia froze "w-what?"

"I want to introduce you to my family, it's ok if you want to wait some more time" she has to admit that she wanted to meet his family and have a good impression on them but at the same time she was afraid that this time would come and she had to explain to him what happened to her family, more like to her parents

"You don't want to introduce me to yours....?" Ni-ki was hurt, he wanted to let his family know that he had a special one that stole his heart since the first time they met, but guess she didn't wanted to

Jia quickly shook her head "it's not like that...." her voice was shaky as if she was gonna cry, but she pushed her emotional side away and held back her feelings "it's complicated Riki.." she sighed

"What's complicated..? You can tell me everything"

The girl sighed "promise me you won't leave me ok?"

"You are worrying me just by telling me not to leave you" Jia removed his arm and fixed her position

"How do I explain this shortly.... It's better if my parents won't know about me, you and us" Riki's face saddened a bit than before

"So you are pratically saying that you don't like our relationship?"

Jia panicked and shook her head "I love being with you and being in a relationship with you but it's just, better if my parents don't know about us"

"I don't understand you, if you love being with me then what's the problem of meeting your parents?"

"I-It's hard to explainwait Ni-ki-kun!" Jia grabbed his wrist to stop him from leaving

"Where are you going...?" Jia's eyes started dropping it's sparkle that appears everytime she's with him

"I need to go" he removed her hand from his wrist and left her inside the apartment alone

The female closed her eyes and placed a hand on her forehead due to frustation

The fight Jia had with her lover was the drop that made the vase overfload

She couldn't find any way of contacting him to clear things out

Because since when she didn't saw his face for months, she stopped eating, again

Since when Jia and Ni-ki were together, she was eating regularly, 3 meals a day and always made sure to eat something if she felt like she was going to pass out

But since that day, she came back to her initial status

"I miss him" she confided her while sniffing his hoodie that still had his scent on it "I miss him so much"

"Too much" she whispered as she stared blankly at the floor, her vision's getting blurry due to the tears

Jiyeon sighed and patted her head "but I guess he doesn't"

She was wrong, he missed her as much as she was missing him

Or maybe, even more

"I miss her hyung" Sunoo sighed "why did you cutted contacts with her then? She might be trying to clear things out" Riki layed on one of the beds

"But she was clear.... she didn't wanted her parents to know about us.." the seventeen-year-old boy gave a big and warm hug to the disperate maknae

"You didn't let her explain Ni-ki, you left her alone there" Ni-ki covered his face with a pillow and sighed

"She was clear, she told me that it was better if her parents didn't knew about us" Sunoo sighed again and layed beside him

"I'm sure she had a good reason, the only time I met her I could tell she really really liked you, maybe if you try to call her you both can go back to normal?" Sunoo met Jia once, but only when they couldn't find any other place to spend the night together so Ni-ki decided to bring her to his dorm

She was a bit skeptical at first, but eventually gave in and followed her boyfriend

He could tell how much the girl adored and loved the maknae just by the way she looked at him

"So she explained clearly that she didn't wanted anyone to know about you and why?" Riki bit his inner lip

"No...." the cute boy handed him his phone "then what about you try to hear why?"

Ni-ki hesitantly looked at his phone for a minute before dialing her number

Jia's phone rang, her eyes landed on the number as she dropped everything as soon as she read the calling id

"Jia-yah?" She was about to cry after hearing that voice after months


"Let's clear things out"

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