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Jia turned on her bed again for the fifieth time, unable to gain a grain of sleep

What could have kept her awake at this hour after hours of endless pratice?

She sighed as she blankly stared at the celing

After minutes she decided to go out for a walk, knowing it wasn't safe for a fourteen-years-old girl to roam around the streets alone in the middle of the night

She put on a over-sized hoodie, mask, hat and a long and warm jacket

She carefully closed the door as she let the freezing air of december slap her

She loved going out when no one was outside, the calm and silent streets where she could walk without being seen by anyone

She stopped by the Han river, leaning on the railings as she watched the fishes playing with eachother

She smelled the hoodie, letting his  profume slid inside her nostrils

How much she loved and missed that fragrance

Jia took a glance at her phone before slightly being shocked by a boy's sudden presence beside her

She slowly stepped back, it's dangerous to stay with a boy that appears out of nowhere in the middle of the night, right?

And Jia clearly didn't wanted to get kidnapped or what so she stepped back until she was far enough to ran away from that place

Being close to her dorm, Jia kept looking back with the corner of her eyes as she could feel someone following her

As the figure stepped closer to her, she used those 3 years of taekwondo to kick him and ran as fast she could to save her life

She painted as she leaned on the dorm's door and sliding to hit the cold ground

That was close

She sighed as she checked the hour again

She widened her eyes as she realised that she haven't slept at all and she should get up in 2 hours

She frowned as she saw new messages from an unknow number

It didn't seem that safe for her to reply or open them so she just readed it without opening it

Regretting her life decisions, she layed back on the bed and eventually fell asleep without removing the hoodie

"5 more minutes Ni-ki-kun.." Jungmi stopped shaking her

"Ni-ki-kun?" She smirked a little

"Wait isn't that Ni-ki's hoodie? I saw him wearing that one or two times—" Jia sat up as she removed the hoodie immediately

"Yeah it is and you saw nothing"

"Oh and while I was waking you up you said his name" Jia widened her eyes

She looked like a psycho obsessed with someone at this level

"Don't give up! 1 month and you can take this off your chest" Jiyeon patted her back as she showed a comforting smile

Jia smiled a little, being comforted by the fact that with pratice time flies faster

Ni-ki, on the other hand, completely forgot about the little girl because of his really busy schedules

He didn't even had time to stop for a second and think about her, asking himself if she's thinking about him or what she's doing, if she's ok or she's sick, if she ate or not

Jay, the only one that knew his secret love, was surprised about how his mood came back to crackhead and naughty just as before

Did he forgot about her existence on this cruel world?

"1! 2! Connect! Annyeongasayo, ENHYPEN imida" the seven boys did their greeting as the fans cheered for them

Their first fan meeting was now on

Ni-ki was one of the last on the table as he just played with his pen waiting for fans

"Ni-ki oppa!" Ni-ki looked up

"Is it true that you're friend with ENERGY's Jia?" A fan asked a pretty private question for Ni-ki

He took the mic as he spoke "yes, we're friends, since we both like almost the same things we got along easily and I got to speak Japanese more often"

Saying friends hurted him a little but it was a public event with fans so he  clearly couldn't say that he liked—no he loved her in front of them

What a scandal it would create

"Everyone, don't ask private questions please" another fan shouted seeing Ni-ki uncomfortable about speaking of his personal life

Ni-ki sat up straight as he saw the fan sitting in front of him

the fans told him the usual things, you know, like 'you're a great dancer' or 'I really love how you....'

But he still appreciated every single of them

Waiting for fans again, Ni-ki spaced out as the girl suddenly popped in his mind

his heart suddenly felt heavy for no reason, making him confused

What could his mind thought about to make his heart heavy like that?

Ni-ki pouted a little as he remebered how the girl always called him friend

But what could do? She clearly couldn't call him 'my love' or some cringe names on national tv

Everyone looked at him strangely as he pouted out of nowhere

"Ni-ki-ah, what are you thinking about?" Ni-ki came back to his senses as he looked at Sunghoon

"Nothing hyung"

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