e i g h t e e n

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"Sunoo-hyung, I know why Ni-ki wasn't in your bed last night" Jungwon whispered pointing at the lovebirds who were still sleeping in eachother's arms

Sunoo pouted "it's all thanks to me if they're back together and that's what I get?" he crossed his arms cutely

At the end, all the members noticed the two as Ni-ki was the first to woke up due to how noisy his hyungs were

Looking beside him, he realised Jia was still sleeping peacefully as if the boys weren't even arguing because of a game

She must be an heavy sleeper

After glancing at the hour, Ni-ki decided to stay in his bed for some more minutes and just stare at her

That's what he wanted, waking up and the first thing he sees is his girlfriend beside him in his arms

He knew that it was impossible since their agency doesn't even allow a relationship so there's no way they would approve the two living together

And Ni-ki knew they were too young to live in the same house, alone

They didn't even knew what love was, but they liked feeling it

But he just loved her so much, to the point that he wouldn't even think twice to sacrifice himself for her

Would she do the same?

"Ni-ki-ah, it's almost time to go" Riki shushed the oldest as he pointed to Jia "I don't want to leave her here"

Heeseung sighed "she needs to go too, she's still an idol and her other teammates might be worrying for her"

Ni-ki's eyes showed some disappoint, he wanted to spend his day with his girlfriend and just cuddle with her but his idol life isn't letting him "fine.. I wake her up now.."

The japanese boy shook his girlfriend a little to wake her up

Jia slowly opened her eyes and rubbed them cutely "good morning love~" Ni-ki greeted her with a peck on the lips since they were alone in the room

"Huh? Where am I?" The maknae chuckled

"Don't you remember? You slept at my dorm last night" her coral lips formed into a 'O' shape as she started to remember all the things that happened last night

"Are my clothes dry? I need to give these back to you" Ni-ki shook his head

"You don't have to, you can keep them" her eyes lighted up a little bit

Knowing that she can have some of his clothes that she can wear whenever she misses him, just makes her happy for no reason at all

"Are you sure?" Ni-ki nodded before leaving the bed "shall we have breakfast?" He offered his hand to help her which she gladly took

"Good morning Heeseung-hyung and Sunghoon-hyung~" Riki greeted the two good morning while being followed by Jia like a puppy

The two have to admit, Jia really looked adorable in his clothes as she looked so small inside them due to their size difference

Not knowing what to do, Jia sat beside him and just watched him setting their breakfasts

Sunghoon let out a quiet chuckle at how cutely her eyes followed the maknae's action

"Cute" he mumbled under his breath and proceded to eat his breakfast

Meanwhile, Jia was enjoying some time with her boyfriend, her teammates were worried as hell since Jia hasn't opened her phone since yesterday morning nor answered any call she recieved

"Hey Jia, it's Sakura" Jungwon handed her his phone


"Oh my god— SHE'S ALIVE GUYS!" Jia removed the phone from her ear as the japanese girl started shouting

"Where the hell did you went? We've been trying to contact you for hours!" The youngest took her phone and turned it on as notifications started flooding on the screen

"I turned it off"

"So you are at ENHYPEN's dorm?"


"You even used your secret account on insta" she stopped talking realising her boyfriend was there since she's been using that account to fangirl over Jungwon secretly

"Stop there don't keep talking girl"

"I swear if Jungwon heard you" before she could end her sentence, Jungwon snatched the phone from her

"Secret instagram account?" the leader walked away from the table

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