t w e n t y

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Jia excitedly checked the hour while looking around waiting for him

She was 5 minutes early, but she just missed doing this things and couldn't wait

"Jia-yah!" Her attention diverted to the opposite direction she was looking at as Ni-ki started running to her direction

"Did you waited a lot?" Jia pouted and nodded

"Aww I'm sorry~" he removed his mask and kissed her forehead

"Then I'll buy you tons of dumplings to make you forgive me, is it ok love?" He took her hand and intertwined their fingers without Jia noticing

"I was kidding Ni-ki-kun~ I came just some minutes before you"

"Still, we should eat something for our late night snack right?" The only moment Jia realised their hands were intertwined was when he dragged her inside a minimarket to buy food for the both of them

"I was just wondering..." he started as he took a dumpling "I am a year older than you but you never called me oppa" Ni-ki pouted which made the girl's heart flutter because of his cuteness

"Don't you find it akward? I always think that those who call their seniors 'oppa' are trying to flirt"

"and don't you like Ni-ki-kun? Do you prefer Riki?"

"I like both if you are the one calling me that" her blushing cheeks made him smile

Even after everything, he still manages to make her flustered and shy when he's being sweet around her

"I should make you blush often, you're cute when you're flustered" Jia's face became red as a tomato as she covered it with her hands

"Cute~" the japanese boy took another dumpling as his affectionate smile never left his lips

"Y-Yah stop!" She managed to become less redder and took a bite of her dumpling

"Jia-yah," she looked at him while cutely munching on the food "you look so small and cute in that big jacket~"

"I love you~"

"I love you~"

"I love you more~" for the first time, Jia made Ni-ki blush as a smile crept on her face

"I have this power too!" Riki chuckled and shook his head

"If with power you mean that you have my heart then yes~"

"Aren't we flirting?" Ni-ki shrugghed and took a dumpling with his chopsticks "say 'aaaaa' love"

Jia followed his actions while Ni-ki never stopped smiling since he saw her on the streets, yet his smile only grew bigger every second

"What should we do next?"

"Aren't we here for the late night walk?" Remembering what originally they were there for, Jia nodded

She actually forgot they were there for a reason and just enjoyed

"How's the therapy going? Is it helping you?" The two started walking under the night sky full of stars

You are my therapy

Ni-ki noticed her hand swinging from side to side and took a hold of it before putting it inside his jacket's pocket

It was exactly 4 months ago since the two held hands for the first time

Jia nodded "but I prefered when I was here in my group, I feel bored. All those doctors and psychologist kinda makes me bored sometimes, especially at night when I don't know what to do"

Ni-ki sighed, not having the possibility to accidentaly meet her at the company or at music shows did affected him a little bit since her adorable existence was a missing piece in his days now

"At least they are helping you to get trough it, right?"

"Yeah, my health gets monitored every day and I go trough psychotherapy and then to a series of doctors that educate me how to eat and some give me kind of medicines I think?"

"I do all of this once a day"

"It must be tiring" he caressed the back of her hand with his tumb while they were still inside his pocket

"Sometimes yes, sometimes no"

"If you need to talk to someone, call me before going to sleep"

"Aren't you praticing when I go to sleep?" Ni-ki shook his head

"I just arrived home when you do, so while I wait for my turn to shower you can still call me" Jia kissed his cheek

She let go of his hand and ran down the empty streets of Seoul "I love Nishimura Riki!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, not caring if someone heard her or not

Ni-ki smiled and reached her spot "and I love Song Jia!"

They couldn't care about the consequences this could bring

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