t w e n t y s e v e n

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*ding dong!*

Jia's head popped up from the bed, thinking it's Ni-ki

Didn't I told him not to visit me until it's midnight?

She remembers clearly that she told him to not visit her place until late night in order to not get caught again

"Who is it?" She hesitantly headed to the front door, making sure to keep it locked

"How come you don't know me Jia?" A frown formed on her face after hearing a masculine voice. She doesn't know any boys except for Ni-ki and his teammates

"I repeat, who are you and how do you know my name?" The male on the other side laughed, making her more anxious than before

"I'm your dad Song Jia" those words were enough for Jia to panick and immediately slid her phone out of her pocket

Song Minsoo

"Leave or I'm calling the police" the man chuckled "call it"

"I'm not j-joking, I just need to press a button"

"Then press it" the girl dialed a number and backed away from the door

"I'm almost there Jia—"

"Don't come.." it's all she could whisper between the fear and the tears that were forming in her eyes

"What do you mean love?"

"There's.... there's my father here. He's i-in front of my door"

"I'm scared Ni-ki..." few tears started falling down her round cheeks. She's scared of him, especially after that night

"Don't panick angel, do you have any other way I can get inside?"

She looked around and spotted a window inside her bedroom "there's a back door near the chinese restaurant and then a window in my bedroom that leads to the courtyard.. you can get inside my apartment only like that"

"I'm almost there Jia-yah, don't open the door or say anything to him ok? I'll help you once I'm there" Ni-ki reassured her before ending the call

Jia took a deep breathe and wiped away her tears

"Jia," the man spoke once again "open the door sweetie, we can talk and figure this out"

The girl shook her head but didn't spoke, instead she stood up and walked to the window inside her bedroom to help Riki who was trying to get inside

As soon as Ni-ki was inside, his girlfriend hugged him tigh being scared of what was happening and of who was outside her door

"It's ok love, I'm here now" the japanese boy patted her head and kissed her forehead

"I'm scared of him Riki"

"We'll figure this out together ok? Don't be scared, I'm here to protect you" he intertwined their fingers and headed to the door, thinking of something to do with the man standing outside her apartment

"Someone is there with you inside Jia right? Come on, let me in, my patience is running out"

"I'll call the police and you call your manager alright?" The boy whispered while caressing her hand to calm her down

"But she will find us together.."

"We'll just tell her you called me here out of panick hmm? We won't tell her he's your father" Jia slowly nodded and dialed her manager's number, following Ni-ki's instructions

"Yah Song Jia open the door right now or I'm coming in by myself!" Ni-ki rubbed her back after seeing her scared expression. Even if he really breaks in, he isn't letting that maniac lay a single finger on his girlfriend

"He isn't gonna lay a single finger on you until I'm here, don't panick. The police is on it's way" the Nishimura reassured her again. He doesn't know what he did to her, and he's the only one who's gonna know after this


A loud bang made Riki widen his eyes. The man just kicked the door and got inside

"He's here.. he's inside.." her hands covered her ears as flashbacks played in her mind

The night she wanted to forget the most was now playing inside her mind on replay to torment her

"Jia! Come here, I just want to talk!" As the footsteps got louder, the japanese boy hided behind his back the girl who was trying not to let any sob escape her mouth

"Stay inside in your room, I'm just going to check" Jia shook her head. He can't go outside, it won't end good if he does

"N-No don't go Ni-ki-kun, please, you won't come back if you do. H-He's a monster.." the girl couldn't hold it in anymore ad she cried. Ni-ki rubbed her back in circles to calm her down

"Police! Stop where you are and put your hands in the air!" A sigh of relief escaped his lips after the police arrived in time

The older kissed her head and caressed her cheeks "shh angel, the police is here. We're safe now stop crying, I don't like seeing you crying"

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