t h i r t y

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The past months Ni-ki fell into a depressed state, where he would only get out of the house for essential things and only eat when he felt like it

and when I say he felt like it, I mean he ate once or twice a week

She left in june and it was december, when is he gonna see her face again?

Everything reminded him of her, from his favorite hoodie with her scent on it to the late night snacks they ate in their kitchen while everyone was sleeping

He was pratically dead

"Ni-ki please eat something.. it's been days since you ate anything.."

Riki pulled his hood on and hugged a pillow "I'm not hungry" he boldly spoke while sniffing and covering his face with the blanket

"But it's already wednesday and you didn't touched any food since thursday-"

"I said I'm not hungry!" Heeseung became quiet after Ni-ki accidentaly shouted at him

He felt a monster for shouting at the oldest who was only trying to take care of him "I'm sorry Heeseung-hyung..." the japanese boy covered his face with his hands

"I'm a mess and all my frustation went out on you all..." Heeseung signaled the other members to come and comfort him

"It's ok Ni-ki, you can let it all out for once" the other members circled around his bed and sat on the floor

"I didn't got any news about her.. I don't know how she is, if she's suffering again or if she cutted the rope this time.. I-I told our company but they don't care... it's been four months and nothing..? they don't care that she might be tortured..? what is our company even doing to protect us..?" The maknae started crying once again as his teammates dragged him into a group hug

"I'm sure the company is trying their best Ni-ki-ah, you met her parents and you know how they are" Jay tried to comfort him but nothing seemed to make those tears roll down his mochi-like cheeks stop

"Don't be like Jungmi Ni-ki-san, be a little bit positive" Jake patted his back

"How can I be positive if I don't know how is she..?"

"Have some faith, you'll never know what might happen. The company is doing its best, convincing two abusive parents to let their daughter go to pursue her dream isn't that easy"

Ni-ki sighed and wiped his tears away with his hoodie paws

"Now what about we all eat ramyeon together? a late night snack?" Jungwon suggested and shouted a small 'let's go' after everyone agreed, jumping to the kitchen happy that they convinced the maknae to eat something

yet something was off for the youngest, why was everyone glancing at the other? were they hiding something from him?

"It's been so long since we ate all together" Sunoo and Sunghoon nodded and made eye contact, only making Ni-ki more suspicious of them

"Can I ask why are you all glancing at eachother? is there something I should know?" the others stopped whatever they were doing. Were they that obvious?

"Nothing Ni-ki, we're just worried for you" Heeseung answered while serving the ramen in seven different bowls

"Oh wait I forgot to close the window in the living room, can you close it for me Ni-ki please~" Sunoo pleaded him as he pouted, Riki had no choice but to go in the living room and close the window only to notice a figure standing near the dorm

"Uh? What is that?" He looked closer as realization hitted him harder than a truck and ran out of his dorm without saying anything making the others confused

"Where the hell is he going-" Sunghoon scratched his head in confusion "I think she's here"

Ni-ki couldn't believe his eyes, he thought he was hallucinating as he rubbed his eyes multiple times

"J-Jia.....?" The only words that escaped his mouth in shock. There she was, standing meters away from the dorm taking deep breaths to calm herself down

"am I hallucinating..?"


He wasn't hallucinating at all, and he got the confirmation when Jia ran to him and jumped in his embrace while wrapping her legs and arms around his figure

"I missed you Ni-ki-kun.." she buried her face in the crook of his neck to fill her nose with the fragrance she missed the most

"I'm sorry for leaving you.." his eyes started to pool with tears as he couldn't believe that she was really here hugging him

"I missed you more angel, don't leave me again.."

"I promise I won't"

After everything, Jia got her justice. Her parents finally went to jail for abusing physically and sexually a minor. They won't see her again for good

It took longer than how much it should have, and how much she just wanted to leave Japan and fly back to her lover

And so that night, Song Jia and Nishimura Riki finally met again

𝗠𝗔𝗞𝗡𝗔𝗘𝗦. ni-kiWhere stories live. Discover now