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The day arrived, the day she will step inside Shooting Star

She was paired with other 4 girls as she finally made some friends

"The younger looks so innocent" one of the producers said as he looked at the screen

"Is it this way?" Takara walked down the old stairs that lead to a big building

"How do we open this-oh!" The four flinched as the door opened by itself

The first five to arrive, Jia, Jennie, Joo, Takara, Sena

"Where should we go now?" Joo wandered around

"Wait I found a way!" Sena leaded them to a platform

"Woh, daebak!" Jia exclaimed as the platform moved

"Where should we sit?" Jia just sat on one of the 24 empty places

"We're the firsts, we can sit where we want right?"

"Someone is coming in!" Jennie heard some voices

"Oh annyeongasayo" the three bowed

"She's Jiyeon! She's really famous among the trainees" Sena whispered to Jia

Soon, one by one every trainees showed up

"Welcome to Shooting Star, the place where the next girl group will be born" a voice surprised them "we will now begin the entrance test to decide who will enter inside Shooting Star, however the capacity of Shooting Star is only 12. If more than 12 will be selected, another test will be held. You will be the one to decide who can or can't go inside" the twentyfour girls looked at eachother shocked


"Who wants to go first may raise her hand" everyone looked at eachother

One girl raised her hand, grabbing their attention

"Hello, my name is Lee Moonyoung and I'm 22 years old" she introduced herself

Now playing: Bts's On

"If you think that, Lee Moonyoung should go into Shooting Star, raise your hand" The other looked at eachother as some raised their hands

"Lee Moonyoung," the voice paused "in"

The count on the screen lowered to 11 making Jia more nervous

Jia's group performed, taking the chance of those eleven places to be their

"Hello, I'm Song Jia and I'm 14 years old"

"Hello I'm Sim Jena"

"Hello I'm Park Jennie and I'm 17 years old"

"Hello I'm Takara from Japan"

"Hello I'm Min Joo and I'm 15 years old"

Now playing: GOT7'S Lullaby

"If you think, Song Jia should go into Shooting Star, raise your hand"

Jia bowed her head due to nervousness

"Song Jia," the voice paused "out"

"If you think, Takara should go into Shooting Star, raise your hand"

"Takara," the voice paused "in"

Everyone in her group except for her got a place inside

Jia sat on her seat as it glowed red

Jia kept her head low and silently let the tears roll down her cheeks

Jiyeon, who was a seat away, decided to comfort her

"Shh it's ok, you still have a chance to go inside"

"Hello, I'm Sakura and I'm 16 years old"

The others introduced as they started performing

Now playing: TXT's Can't You See Me?

"If you think, Kang Heejin should go into Shooting Star, raise your hand" despite the tears, Jia raised her hand

As everyone performed, the capacity was now perfecrly 12

"Those who made it, may go inside, those who didn't, may head to the ground" Jia sighed as she walked towards the smaller building

"Welcome grounders, in order to decided who will go on Shooting Star, this is your mission" the ten girls focused on the screen

"W-What is this?" The choreography was too hard for them

"You have 5 days to learn it and perform, good luck" Jia held the shrughs of her backpack tighly, already overwhelmed by what's happening

"The choreography was so hard and I had a hard time learning it"

"I honestly don't think I will make it" she confessed

"Let's start!" The older, Sooyun, grabbed the ipad

They were way too happy for Jia

Jia decided to learn it on her own, not wanting the help of anyone

She praticed until late night, even while the others were sleeping

She slept 15 hours in total those 5 days, she ate 1 meal per day

Even the producers that watched her were worried

"Jia-sshi! Why are you starving yourself?!" Jessi, one of their trainers, scolded her

"It's not good for your health eating one meal a day and sleeping 5 hours for night after a whole day of pratice, you should take care of yourself!" Jia looked down as her teammates were shocked hearing this

"I'm sorry...."

It was the day of their evalutation, which means that the trainers and producers will see their performance

Jessi, who's been watching her since the day she stepped inside, was worried for her health

She might faint with the amount of selfless she has

"We will now announce who can go to Shooting Star"

"Im Jungmi, Hwang Minji, Han Mee and Song Jia" Jia looked up

"M-Me?" She mumbled not believing what she just heard

The four packed their things as they headed to the massive building

"Take care Jia, you might faint" Jungmi smiled warmly at her

She nodded and thanked her before bowing

"Who are the new stars?" Moonyoung looked at the elevator that was coming

"It's Jia!" Her old group mates hugged her

"I was happy to see my friends again, those 5 days were really hard for me"

"I told you you would make it"

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