t h r e e t e e n

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"Jia-yah!" Her teammates engulfed her into a hug as soon as she stepped outside the hospital

"We missed you!" Jungmi patted her head

"I missed you too" they released her from the hug and looked behind her

"He was allowed to visit her but we weren't- the audacity" Jia looked behind her and realised Ni-ki was still there

"It's because he was the one that took me here"

Days passed since Jia was released from the hospital

Ni-ki already missed the girl even if it was only some days that he haven't seen her face

But he didn't wanted to act like those boyfriends that think that they should be their first priority since he knows how busy idol's life is

They barely have time to eat or rest

He had tigh schedules too so he didn't minded to disturb the maknae

Jia, on the other hand, was missing the boy so much even if it was just some days since they last saw eachother

She was ready to leave the pratice room and ran to him

He was her first priority

But, she couldn't deny that her guts told her that something was coming

Something really big

She too felt something was about to come, she haven't heard about her parents for years now

The girl was scared that they might do something to her or to him

Him getting hurt was the last thing she wished for

The amount of stress she was feeling now was enormous

From the hate she was getting, her idol's life to her "friendship" with Riki

She felt like passing out

The hurtful words that came from her so-called-fans stabbed her

You are so fat, you can't dance or sing

Those 3 years of training were useless, she can't sing or dance

You are ugly

Leave the group

Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror?

Can you stay away from Ni-ki?

Then, her major problem was if her parents ever found out where she's currently

Or about Ni-ki

What could they do if they ever found out about them?

Poor clueless girl, her parents already know everything

Her guts were right all along, they were coming for her

"Jia...." Hina froze on her spot and looked at the young Jia

"W-What are you doing?" The girl started walking closer to her

"Don't come closer or I'll do it!" the young Jia held the scrissors on her wrist

"W-Why don't you p-place them down and we talk?" The young one shook her head

"Go away Hina-unnie! Let me do what I want!" Hina carefully walked near her

The young Jia pressed the scrissors on her wrist "I said don't come closer!"

"Jia.... Let's talk like normal people.."

"Put the scrissors down and come with me ok?"

The young Jia looked at her sister with teary eyes "I'm sorry"

The metal blade cutted her skin as blood started coming from the wound

The young girl lost her senses and fainted "No Jia!"

Jia woke up panting, sweat coming from her forehead as she raised her sleeve to see her scar

That day changed her life, she almost made it but her sister ruined her plan

Every time she tries to leave, there's someone to bring her back

The girl headed to the kitchen to find her pills

She shallowed them down and drank her water before sighing

The moon shined bright that night

"I just want to leave..." she crouched on the floor and hugged her knees as she hided her face

"Is it that hard to ask?" The moonlight lighted the kitchen as it stroke her face

Jia couldn't hold it anymore, she bursted in tears and silently cried

She was a lonely soul, her loneliness kept her company all her years on earth

"Please stop....." she started singing, what distracted her mind when she was sad?


"This nightmare I have every night, your hands as if you're going to catch them"

"Now tell me, name wandering around my lips"

"The meaning of this sad dream"

"My heart sank into this maze of memories"

"Save me"

"The deepest part of the eternal dream"

"A sleeping blue secret"

As the night passed before her eyes, she kept singing until the sun shined bright in the sky

𝗠𝗔𝗞𝗡𝗔𝗘𝗦. ni-kiWhere stories live. Discover now