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"Are you sure we can do this? won't the company kick us out?" Jia asked while looking at her boyfriend setting up the phone and the lights

"I don't know, but I don't really care. I want to do it and that's final"

"No, I won't let you risk your career because of me—" Ni-ki shushed her and sat on the floor of the pratice room

"It's not because of you, this is my decision and so I'll blame myself if we'll get kicked out" he started to turn on the vlive "stay there, I'll call you when you have to come in ok angel?"

Wondering what's happening? Ni-ki came up with the idea to reveal their relationship on vlive with tons of fans watching. Jia told him that it was only better to wait for their dating ban to drop

Yet Ni-ki was way too stubborn to listen and so here they are, at midnight inside her pratice room turning on a vlive to expose their relationship

Spacing out, Jia didn't even realized that her boyfriend was already calling her

"and so let me introduce my girlfriend! she's an angel and I really love her, and I would be happy if you could love her too" Riki took her wrist and dragged her in front of the phone

"Song Jia! she's the maknae of the rookie group energy, she's an amazing girl and she's also really really really pretty and cute"

The comment section was flooding with comments. Most were positive, but few were really mean

omg Ni-ki is dating that garbage? she's way too ugly for someone like him

ni-ki is dating? and why among all the female idols her? she's a pshyco

just leave the live, you'll do us a favour

an angel? where? i only see the opposite here

They really hurted her even if she didn't showed it outside. Her self-esteem wasn't high and they surely didn't helped her

Ni-ki noticed the comments and reported them all "yah don't say such things about my girlfriend"

He was sad and kind of pissed off. Toxic fans were really getting on his nerves

jia is so pretty?? why i didn't knew about her before?

jiki? they are so cute together :(

ni-ki and jia are the perfect match everyone. i'm telling you

i want to see them kiss

"They asked for a kiss" he spoke which made her cheeks rose in a red tint

"Shouldn't we make the fans happy?" Riki slided closer to her face as she gulped

"No way there are tons of fans watching Riki, the company will literally kick us out this time" she whispered only audible for him but the japanese boy only shook his head

"A peck ok? just a peck" Jia nodded

"The things I do for you" Ni-ki smiled and pecked her lips, or so thought Jia. Right after he pulled away, he chupped her face and kissed her which made her eyes widen

With the corner of her eye she could see the chat flooding with comments

"Sorry angel~ I did what the fans asked~" he beamed after pulling away as he started reading comments again, leaving her a blushing mess

"They are asking for another one" Riki showed her the comment, a teasing smile forming on his lips

"No way!" Jia tried to escape another kiss in front of everyone by running around the pratice room with Ni-ki chasing her

After running around for few minutes, the japanese boy caught her and hugged her tight before pecking her lips

"You can't escape me" he kissed her all over the face which made her giggle as her cheeks flushed red

The next hour was filled with them dancing, laughing and talking about random stuff

and also Ni-ki trying to give Jia a piggy-back ride but failed as but ended up falling on the floor

"Since how much have we been together? actually, we've know eachother since almost two years already because we were trainees during the same period, but we've been together since almost a year" the boy played with her hair, his girlfriend resting her head on his lap almost asleep as it was already one am

"I love you angel~" Ni-ki kissed her cheek

"I love you too Ni-ki-kun~"

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