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Jia took a deep breathe as she watched the oldest chilling on the couch while watching her phone

She inhaled before approaching Jiyeon

"U-Unnie, can I tell you something?" Jiyeon's attention diverted to the younger as she nodded with a smile

Jia sat beside her as she looked down "you won't tell others?"

Jiyeon shook her head as the girl took a deep breathe again as she spoke

"I-I have......" she paused while some tears formed in her eyes

"I-I have an eating disorder" Jiyeon froze, unable to say anything

"I-I developed it when I was really young, a-and I—" Jiyeon hugged the maknae

"Why you haven't told us before?" She whispered while rubbing her back

"I-I don't wanna go back to therapies, I hate them" the oldest sighed

"Do you want to tell me the story?" Jia nodded hesitantly as she wiped her tears

"My parents always treated me badly when I was young, and due to that I started loosing appetite and disliked eating"

"I-It transformed into something worse, my parents found it out and took me to therapies. No one could help me, but I only got traumatized and acted as if it was cured"

"How much have you been fighting with it?"

"5 years, no one except you knows it"

"not even your family?" Jia shook her head as Jiyeon sighed

"And you aren't planning to tell them, right?"

"N-No, never in my life I wanna meet my parents again"

Jiyeon sighed "I don't know what to do— I don't know what to do with my—" she stopped as thr maknae looked at her

"With what?"

"nothing, forget it"

Altrough she tried her best to hide her dislike for food in front of fans and medias, she just hated eating more and more day by day

She just hated it, and the blame always fell on her

More stress didn't helped her as the yet so special day was here

She wasn't ready to face him in this condition, her bones could be seen as the skin was the only thing that separated them

But unexpectedly, the boy was first to call her and take his feelings out of his chest

"I know that you are busy with your schedules and debut promotions but I really want to tell you this" he held her hands

"During my training time, I loved you as a friend and cared for you as a friend but I realised that I love you more than a normal friend and care for you as a friend. I realised that I like you no trash that, I love you"

"I understand that you don't feel the same and I don't want to"

"I love you too" Ni-ki froze as the girl finally found some happiness in her life upon hearing the boy's sudden confession


"I love you too Riki" she welcomed his dark and shining eyes with a  smile— hiding all her worries and traumas behind it

"Really?" Jia nodded, Ni-ki couldn't help but immediately hug her

"Can I?" Jia nodded again as Ni-ki kissed her cheek

She was surprised at this since she thought he meant something more than a simple kiss on her left cheek, but she didn't wanted to rush things so he would feel comfortable with her

"I thought you meant a kiss on the lips" she pouted while Ni-ki shook his head

"We're too young for that"

"This must be Jay speaking" the boy chuckled

"So are you my girlfriend now?"

"I would gladly like to be it" Ni-ki's phone vibrated

"These are the others, I need to go now" Jia nodded as she stood up just like Ni-ki did

"So see you soon, love~" the youngest blushed after he kissed her forehead

Both parted their ways back to their dorms after bidding her farewell thinking that no one was watching them

But they were wrong

"I found her boss" the man dressed in black spoke trough his earpiece while looking at Jia happily skipping back home

"The other boy is Nishimura Riki"

"I will boss, consider the mission already done" the tall man smirked

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