t w e n t y s i x

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"Jia-yah~ can you come to my dorm tonight?~" Ni-ki asked trough the phone as Jia just shook her head, better that he couldn't see her

"I'm sorry Ni-ki-kun, but I can't come there anymore.."

"Uh? Why?"

"My manager... she forbidden me to go out if not to my dorm, and no one can come here except for my unnies" since the dispatch issue, her manager forbidden her to go to his dorm again for the group's sake

"Oh...." he sounded quite disappointed, Jia hated herself for that

"So we can't pratically see eachother anymore?"

"Yeah...." Jia sighed, a sad one. Now she couldn't even see him? He pratically was the reason why she accepted all this bullshit and went on hiatus, so it was like taking away from a little kid his favorite toy

Silence took over the two sides of the phone call, they both didn't knew what to say anymore. the girl just kept the phone near her ear and played with the ring Ni-ki gave her

"I'll.. I'll talk to you later love, I have to go back to pratice" she hummed and nodded as the call ended, not giving her time to bid her goodbye as well

He was suddenly so distant

"Jia, it's time to go" her manager knocked on the door to call her. It was the time to go for therapies, the moment of the day she hated the most

Jia sighed and went outside, following the older girl and just kept quiet during the whole day

"Ms.Song?" The bored girl looked up as she stopped playing with her fingers just to kill time while waiting for her turn "yeah?"

"There's a visit for you" the maknae frowned. She wasn't expecting anyone today nor any other day of the week

"May I ask who?"

"A boy around your age" she nodded, giving her the permission to let him see her

"Good morning Jia-yah" Ni-ki sat on the chair beside hers

"What are you-" Riki shushed her and turned his chair to her direction

"We can't see eachother outside, so I'm gonna visit you during your breaks between a visit and the other" the japanese boy glanced at the folder resting on her lap

"Patien number 67, anorexia?" He frowned and took it "you have anorexia?" Jia nodded

"Doctors said so" she shrugghed her shoulders and faced his direction with her chair just like he did

"How did you got the hospital's name? Did I gave you the address while sleeping?" Ni-ki slyly nodded with a smile

"The other night, you randomly told me that so I decided to give you a little visit" the japanese boy pulled her hood up and snacked an arm around her waist

"Patient 67 next!" Jia internally rolled her eyes at the nurse for ruining her fluff moment with Riki

"I'll be waiting for you right here ok? We can eat lunch together after"

"Finally a break!" Jia exclaimed while leaning on the chair inside the small private room Ni-ki insisted to get for the both of them in order to not get caught by dispatch again

"When's your next visit?" The Nishimura asked as he played with her fingers that were resting on the table

"In two hours, I'm all for you until then" she tried to flirt and cutely winked which made him smile at her cuteness

"You've been going out with Jake-hyung too much lately" the younger whined and pouted "but Jake is fun! We always talk with our aussie accent and he brings Sunghoon too so that we can confuse him"

She suddenly smirked after a thought that popped in her mind "are you jealous?" Riki slowly shook his head even if he himself couldn't deny that he was a little bit jealous of the trio always hanging out with eachother, but he knew that the other two already had their own girlfriends and they won't surely just betray him like that

"I'm not jealous, I completely trust Jake-hyung and Sunghoon-hyung"

"Uhm your face says something else.. but don't worry, no one will ever stole me from you. My love is just for Nishimura Riki and only him!" Jia genuinely answered and kissed his cheek

"And mine is for Song Jia and only her" Ni-ki placed a kiss on her forehead and ruffled her hair

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