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Jia sighed as she stared at her phone

How much she was tempted to press the call button

But she was a coward, she was scared of his reaction

"What's wrong Jia-sshi?" Jiyeon sat beside her


"Is it him again?" Jia nodded as she rested her head on the top of the couch closing her eyes

"I don't get what's the problem, you like him, he likes you what's—"

"What are you saying? He? Likes? Me? Song Jia? There's no possibility"

"Well you never know if you don't ask" Jia sighed

"How can I ask? Where do I find the time? He's promoting his debut album and we're preparing ours, where the hell do I find time?"

"How much can you wait?"

"I don't think it's a matter of time" Sakura interrupted them

"I can see you've never fell in love unnie"

"You catched feelings for him during his training time right?"

"How much was it? Eight months?" Jia nodded as she carefully listened to her words

"Well the time you wait for your feelings to be mutual doesn't matter, it matters how much genuine and true that feelings are"

"So my conclusion is, wait for our and his promotions to end and then ask him to meet you?"

"Explain when you became an expert in love, Ejiri Sakura" Sakura smiled akwardly

"But I don't think my feelings can wait.." Jiyeon looked at her confused "what are you saying?" Jia sighed again

"he just sees me as a friend, he loves me..as a friend, and nothing more"

"Didn't you saw how happy he was when you were announced as part of the debut group?"

"He was normal, I looked at him the whole time"

"Then you're blind" Jia's browns crashed "what?" Jiyeon patted her head

"He nearly jumped off his seat when your name was announced" Jia shook her head, refusing to believe what the older was saying

Jiyeon sighed at how stubborn the maknae was

But what could she do? She should have been in her shoes

"let's just wait, alright?"

"You ask him" he whispered

"Yah why me?" Sunoo complained

"Then Jungwon?" Heeseung whispered as everyone looked at the leader

"Uh? Why me? I'm not the right person" Jungwon innocently said


"I'm out"


"I'm out too" he used his aussie accent

"Jay-ah, we're the only two left"

"alright I do it" Jay exited the room as he headed to the living room

"Ni-ki-ah, what's wrong?" Ni-ki snapped back to reality as he looked up to find Jay sitting beside him

"N-Nothing hyung" Jay sighed

Everyone noticed how he changed after seeing that girl at the reality show

"you've changed since the day we went to that reality show, is there something you didn't tell us?" The older raised a brow

Ni-ki shook his head, denying the fact that he's worried for his friend

"You sure?" Ni-ki was hesitant, he badly wanted to talk about his problems to him but he didn't knew if it would transform into a "realise that you love her" session

He clearly didn't wanted to remind himself that he loves someone he can't have, yet

"You won't tell other members right?" Jay nodded despite the fact that his team members will surely ask him what's wrong with the maknae

Ni-ki sighed "you know one of the members of the new group right?"

Jay nodded "well me and her were best friends when we were both trainees, then I went on I-land and we loose contacts"

"When I saw her on the reality show, I was worried for her health" he paused "her baby fat and her chubby cheeks disappeard, she straved herself"

Ni-ki couldn't deny the fact that he was worried when he first saw her after months

She became more and more thin and her baby fat and her squishy chubby cheeks disappeard, which he loved so much to squish all day when they were together

For him, she looked dead, she was pale and she had heavy eye bags

Who wouldn't worry for someone in that state? Especially if you care a lot for that person

Jay patted his back, not knowing what to say as he never experienced seeing someone loosing their baby fat except for the members "I'm sure she didn't, she just had a diet to follow maybe?"

Ni-ki shook his head, he knew her too well

If she had an assigned diet, she would starve herself

But luckly, when Ni-ki was there with her, he would force her to eat by taking her to her favourite restaurant

"no hyung, she always did like this, especially when she's working a lot, she forgets to eat" the older didn't knew what to say anymore to reassume the younger that the famous girl he's talking about is healty

He was speechless, this boy knew her too well to the point that telling him that she's fine wouldn't be enough for him to believe

But Jay couldn't deny the fact that it was pretty obivious that he cared for her too much to just be a friend for him

But once again, if he didn't wanted to tell him then he certainly doesn't want to put his nose in other's business

It wasn't even that good to do it

So instead he just decided to leave it like this and let the younger keep the things he doesn't want to share for himself

( random note ): these chapters may be boring but I have some plans so get ready because the fire from txt's universe is coming in some chapters

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