t w e n t y o n e

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"Can you explain what were you

oth doing together at 1 am?" Ni-ki lowered his head

This are the consequences they need to face

"Manager-nim, we aren't a thing"

"Then why did you shouted that you love her?"

"Ni-ki, relationships are forbidden, you have a dating ban"

"But can't I just make her officially mine?" His manager sighed and shook his head

"You can't Ni-ki, your fans, your reputation, what about them?"

Fuck my reputation

"And what should I do..?" He sighed and whispered "we could go to Japan without being noticed..."

"Some fans that lived where you went heard you both shouting and even filmed the two of you together. It's obivious that they would suspect you"

"Then deny the rumors"

"What about her? What did she said?"

His manager checked his phone "she denied them"

"I'm sorry Riki..."

"So you're gonna deny it?" Jia nodded and looked at the screen of her phone "what else can I do?"

"You have the possibility to make him officially yours on a silver plate! Don't let this slide!"

"You know it's impossible Jungmi-unnie"

"Oh come on! Don't act like Jake! You both have the possibility to call eachother mine in front of everyone! It doesn't happen every day"

"We have a dating ban.."

"Do you think the others are respecting it? Sakura-unnie has a boyfriend, Jiyeon-unnie is going out with someone, Julia-unnie has a boyfriend, I have a boyfriend, Heejin-unnie has a boyfriend and Byeol-unnie has a boyfriend. Now tell me who's respecting the dating ban"

"Uh? Byeol-unnie has a boyfriend? Who? Since when?"

"Some days ago, I think his name is Sunghoon?"

"Sunghoon from enhypen?" Jungmi shrugghed

"I guess, I have to admit he's handsome"

"You are betraying Jake"

"I am not betraying him, I still have the rights to call someone handsome if he is"



"So you're really gonna deny everything? Did you both talked about it?" Jia shook her head as a sigh escaped her lips

"We haven't talked about anything. Our manager is coming here to clear everything so..." Jungmi sighed on the other line of the call

"You should talk about it, what if he agrees but you deny them? It wouldn't make sense but just make you both more suspicious"

"What if he wants to announce your relationship to the world and says that the rumors are real?"

"What could you do then?" Jia flopped on her bed with a hand on her forehead due to frustation

"I don't know"

"Wait but you already told our manager about you both right? Then why does she need to hear what you have to say?"

"I still need to decide wheter I will say yes or no"

"So it's a no?"

"It's a no"


"I have to go Jungmi-unnie, I'll update you" Jia ended the call

"So, what are you gonna say?"

"I deny them..." she nodded, thinking this is the right decision "I deny all the rumors"

"Are you sure?" She was a lot skeptical, not talking with her lover didn't helped her

"Did he already gave an answer?" The manager shook her head

"Not yet"

"Then I......"

"I deny them"

That's the right decision, yeah that's the right decision

"She denied them....?" Ni-ki whispered under his breath

"I'll deny them too" the japanese boy sighed and pulled his hood up

"Ok, you can go back inside"

Riki entered his dorm with a sad aura as his light purple strands covered his face

"Oh Ni-ki-san, how did it went?" Jake frowned seeing the sudden change of mood of the youngest

"Is everything ok Ni-ki?" The leader joined the conversation

"I wanted to tell everyone about us.... but she denied everything.." the aussie swung his arm around his shoulders as a sigh escaped the maknae's lips

"Have you heard why? Or at least have you talked about this?" Ni-ki shook his head

He wasn't experienced when it came to relationships or love, this was his first relationship ever and his first relationship as an idol

He was clueless about idols' love

"Did we had to?" Jungwon nodded "yeah! You both should have talked about your answers to not create an arguement between the both of you"

"So you followed her answer without thinking? I don't recommend you hiding your relationship. Past experiences.."

"Uh? What happened between you and Jungmi again?" Jake shook his head

"Long story, but now we're helping Ni-ki here"

"So you should talk, trust me Ni-ki-san"

"And why? Let's just move on from this and go on"

"You don't want to hold her hand in public? Don't you want to be able to stare at her at things like award shows without creating any issue? Don't you want to go out with her and not facing any consequence?"

"I do want but..." Ni-ki sighed "we have a lot that stops this, our dating ban, the fact that dating is banned in fans' opinion... and the haters"

"She's getting too much hate Jungwon-hyung, I don't want to bring more problems"

"so, I'm going to forget this, it's not actually a big deal"

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