t w e n t y f o u r

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"Ni-ki-kun~ I'm bored~" Jia whined from the couch in his gaming room as she closed her eyes feeling sleepy due to the low lights

"Are you listening Riki?" Ni-ki nodded

"I'm a bit concerned about something.." she started as Ni-ki frowned still looking at his computer "about what love?"

"You know, my mom... if she tried to break us once, I think she will do it twice if that means I will suffer"

"Why are you so worried? Everyone has secrets, but she already exsposed you. What else could she do?"

"I don't know, knowing my mom you should expect the unexpected"

"Like what?"

"Like posting on twitter about my eating disorder? or maybe, exposing us since she somehow found out about us"

"She would do anything if it means I'm not gonna be happy in the end"

Ni-ki sighed "do you trust me?"

Jia frowned "I do trust you but what does that even center with my mom?"

Riki paused the game and opened one of the drawers under the desk, he took a box out "well, when I was little I promised myself I would give this ring to my girlfriend," he removed the ring from the box with a smile "a girl that would trust me even in bad times"

He took her hand and placed the ring on her pinky "even if what you're worried about is true, I promise I'll make sure we'll get our happy ever after"

Ni-ki can't know how fast her heart is beating now, every little action he does just make her feel loved for once

Was his love for her that deep? Does she reciprocate it?

Obiviously, nothing could make her stop loving the adorable boy

And nothing could stop him from loving the lovesome girl

"promise?" she nodded "promise"

Ni-ki didn't hesitated a second to hug her

"Oh wait! Heeseung-hyung is still waiting!" the boy took his headphones and spoke "I'll play with you later Heeseung-hyung, good luck with the match I'm leaving, I'm staying with my girl!"

"Yah Ni-ki-ah wait" before Heeseung could react, Ni-ki turned off the computer and removed his headphones as he turned his swivel chair to her direction

"What would you like to do?" Jia placed a finger under her chin thinking

A smile plastered on her lips "I want to cuddle" she outstretched her arms for a hug, Ni-ki hovered over her and hugged her as he buried his face in the crook of her neck

"Do you still love me like before?" His breath caressed her skin everytime he breathed as Jia felt shivers running down her spine

The girl frowned as she wrapped her arms around his waist "what do you mean?"

"I mean, since the time you started liking me, do you feel the same way like back then?" The youngest started playing with his purple-pinkish strands "it changed just because I fell deeper for you"

She felt his lips curving in a smile as they caressed her skin

Ni-ki removed himself from her and layed beside her on the couch "when did you start liking me?"

"Well, at first, I wasn't interessed in making friends since I wanted to focus on training but, I think after two or three weeks, I started to get interessed in you because I noticed you never talked to anyone. So I decided to approach you, and I was surprised when your personality wasn't cold as I thought"

"You thought I was cold" Jia pouted as the japanese boy gave her a peck

It may seem cringe but, they felt loved so they couldn't care less

"You always had a straight face" Ni-ki hugged her "you don't want to hear the rest?" The girl gave up and nodded

"We became friends, best friends and got close. We would do anything together and I found myself unknowly falling for you, I realised I liked you just some weeks before going to i-land"

"what about you?"

Jia sighed "the second you stepped into the pratice room" Riki smiled but his cheeks were red

"You had it all, skills, talent, handsomeness, you are hardworking and you don't give up until you achieve what you were working for. No one couldn't fall for you"

That night, the two shared their stories and remebered their memories as friends until falling asleep in eachother's arms

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