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"Ni-ki-kun.... please let me explain.." Jia held his hand to stop him from going back inside his dorm

"There's nothing you have to explain, I already know everything" he swung his arm to let her grip on his wrist release

"But you didn't even let me talk..."

After days, Jia decided to show up to his front door to explain the truth and tell him that everything was false but

He already made up his decision

"Talk about what? What I heard was enough, Jia. I don't want anymore lies" he turned his back to get inside when Jia spoke again

"So you believe my mother? After telling you that she made my childhood a living hell and not your own girlfriend who was your best friend? Congratulations Riki, you just believed other lies" the girl left his dorm by running away

Riki was frozen, he was still mad, but what he didn't knew was that he was mad at some pretty lies

If the part about her self harm was true, then he couldn't deny that it wasn't the first time she tried to leave the world for good

Ni-ki followed her, even if the clouds were about to cry that night, he followed her silhouette

What was now roaming in his mind was, what could have lead her to give up her own life to have some peace?

Telling your child she was a mistake could hurt her more than a knife being slitted down her throat

And Jia knew that better than anyone since her mother never accepted her nor her existence

She always used excuses such as 'you resemble your father too much' or 'it's because you aren't like your sibilings'

One of them was true, the night Jia's mother found out she was pregnant, she had to caught her ex-husband cheating on her with her sister

She remarried another man, had her younger sibilings and divorced him, again

But Jia always reminded her of her biological father, which always made her angry and remember the pain she felt that night

So she picked up on her, insulting her, slapping her, kicking her or forcing her to drink alcohol when she was an elementary student

"You are a disgrace, a mistake" she repeated everyday while torturing her

So Jia made her mind up one day, she took a pair of sharp scrissors, closed herself in the bathroom and decided to end her own life and leave for good

But, her sister ruined her plan by entering in the bathroom right when she was about to go

The next day, she woke up at the hospital as the wound was closed leaving a scar on her left wrist

Her sibilings, they never stood for her

every time she got abused, it was either they watched her or they pretended like they were blind

She still asks herself why she loves them that much if they never protected her or even tried to stop her abusive mother

She can't even call them sibilings after all

They aren't, if they were, they would have took at least a slap for her

But they never even thought of it

That's what her life was, a hell

She even settled up a rope in her room but, got removed by her mother saying that if she died then there 'wasn't anymore fun for her'

Jia was a toy for her mother, she never got considered as more than that

If she ever got tired of her, then maybe she would have ended her life herself

Altrough she begged her every single day to stop or at least give her a break, she never listened

"J-Jia, stop there, d-don't go further" he reached the bridge panting

"Go Ni-ki... you already know everything right?" She opened her eyes and faced her lover with her sad look which she always had back when she was young

"then why bothering to stay more?" Ni-ki's breath hitched for a hot second the moment the clouds started pouring it's tears

He wasn't just speechless, he just got slapped by reality after he realised that he was just making their relationship drift apart. Just how Jia's mother wanted

"I don't want to live in a lie, Jia, you know I hate lies. You know me more than anyone else on this world" he reached her spot near the cliff of the bridge

both were now dranched under the rain as the sky seemed to reflect their personalities that night

Gloomy and sad

The grey clouds didn't seemed to stop soon with their cloudburst as the rain started to get heavier and heavier

"What are you.... saying...?"

"I'm saying you were right. I was believing the woman that made you suffer and not the person I cherish the most. I'm sorry angel, I'm so sorry"

"Ni-ki... I'm not an angel, I'm a monster" Ni-ki cutted her off by placing his lips on hers

He missed that feeling, the feeling of her soft kissable lips on his

The way her fingers ran trough his wet hair gave him butterflies

She could feel a smile appearing on his coral lips trough the kiss, which was full of love and the feelings of missing eachother's presence

After minutes, they pulled away as both started sneezing due to the rain and cold air that passed trough their bodies that night

"Let's go to my dorm tonight~"

"No Riki-ah, my unnies might be worrying for me"

"You are staying over! End of discussion!" He dragged the wet girl inside his dormitory

After drying up, Ni-ki even offered to give her his clothes for the night

It seemed like he was never mad in the first place

At the end, Ni-ki slept in his bed for the first time in that month with Jia beside him, cuddling together as he whispered sweet nothings in her ears until both fell asleep

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