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"Are you nervous?" Ni-ki asked his lover seeing her hands trembling a little

"Of course I'm nervous Ni-ki, I'm gonna meet your parents"

That's right, after 5 months the two found 2 free days to go to Japan without being noticed

Well, Jia was already allowed to go for few days to visit her "family" while Ni-ki was finally allowed to see his family again after years of staying in korea to be an idol

Unlike Jia, he missed his family

"Aw don't be, my family isn't strict or anything, they are sweet, especially when there's a guest in our house" nervously nodding, Jia shallowed her saliva down

"What did they said about... you know... my family?"

"Well, I did told them but they hunged up on my face. But they didn't seemed that affected the next weeks" he reassured her by taking her hand and caressed it with his thumb

"Mom! I'm back!" As soon as the boy stepped inside the mansion a woman in her 40s engulfed him into a tigh hug

"Riki! I missed you!" She released him from the hug and wiped away some fake tears "you grew up so well"

Jia just stood there, silently watching them as she didn't knew what to do "and you must be... Jia?" His mother grabbed her attention

"Y-Yes, I'm Song Jia, nice to meet you mrs.Nishimura" the girl bowed until her head almost touched the ground to show respect

The woman smiled "it's a pleasure to meet you too Jia, and don't be so formal, you can consider yourself at home" her warm smile eased her a bit

"I told you you shouldn't have been that nervous" he whispered as he started walking to his old room while Jia followed him

"You'll never know"

The Nishimura family was nice, they treated Jia as if they knew eachother really well, and that made her feel at homei

They already called her daughter-in-law

"Eyyy, I told you they're really sweet, didn't I?" Ni-ki teased her

"I was just being cautious. You never know if they will like me or not" Riki chupped her face in his hands

"Well you can stop overthinking now! They really like you and they don't care about your family as long as you aren't like them" he pecked her lips as Jia's cheeks rosed in a red tint due to how close their faces were

"Ni-ki-kun, can we visit someone one day?"

"Who is it?"

"It's a family member, he was the only one that cared for me" Ni-ki nodded and placed a sweet kiss on her forehead

"If he never hurted you then it's ok for me" Jia started jumping in happiness and hugged his waist since he was too tall for her

"Thank you"

An affectionate smile plastered on his lips "everything for you love"

"Not in front of my salad" Konon interrupted their conversation as she flopped on the couch

Ni-ki rolled his eyes "as if you never had a boyfriend"

"I never had one! I was single since the day I was born" she pouted and crossed her arms "now I want a boyfriend it's all your fault Riki"

"Then go out instead of staying inside the dance studio all day" Konon rolled her eyes


"At least I'm not a brat" Ni-ki glared at her "yah Konon!" the oldest started laughing

"I was kidding" she wiped away her fake tears

Ni-ki rolled his eyes before diverting his attention to Jia "come with me" he stood from the couch and took her soft hand in his

The japanese boy opened his closet and started searching something "what are you looking for?" Jia's eyes roamed around the room full of shinee's posters and gadgets

"This!" He took a t-shirt and sweatpants as he gave her those

"I want to see you wearing my clothes again~ you look so cute in them~"

Coming out wearing his clothes, Jia's face was completely red as she covered it with her hands

"Ah you're so cute~" Ni-ki hugged her tigh since she was too cute in his perspective

"It's three times bigger, don't you think it looks baggy?" Riki shook his head as a smile unknowly crept on his lips

"You look so cute, if I could I would keep you in my pocket~" he kissed her cheek

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