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"Look, I'm sorry, I should have let you explain" Ni-ki was interrupted by Jia hugging him

"Let's stay like this for a moment, please" the japanese boy's eyes and voice softened and wrapped his arms around her

"You missed me that much?" His soft voice was followed by a chuckle

"You didn't missed me?"

"Of course I missed you love~" her lips curved a little

"I missed you more than everything~" he planted a sweet on her forehead

"I want to clear what I said some months ago...." Jia looked down and played with the end of her hoodie "I love our relationship Ni-ki-kun, but there's something you should know before you can introduce me to your family...."

"You can tell me everything love"

Jia took a deep breathe "so the reason why you can't meet my parents it's because" she bit her lip as she felt tears forming in her eyes, every time she talks about this she can't help but cry

Ni-ki noticed that and took her hand, caressing it and massaging it to reassure her that he was there for her

"because, I was a-a-abused" Riki froze on his spot

Jia peeked to see his reaction but immediately regretted it after seeing his shocked face

Ni-ki took actions and pulled her for a hug "it's ok, I fully understand why now.."

"I was such a fool months ago, maybe if I let you explain it wouldn't have happened in the first place" he caressed her back as Jia rested her head on his chest

"So you aren't mad..?" The boy quickly shook his head "why would I be mad at you? It's not your fault"

This boy was so mature for his age, he was caring and sweet to the one he loves

He may be naughty and may like to prank the members but he still cares for them a lot

He needed to be treasured like something rare, because once you let him go, you can't find someone like him

"But, how will you explain that to your parents?" Ni-ki sighed and released her from the hug

"I guess I need to tell them the truth..."

"But they will think of me in a bad way... they may think that I have some problems"

"Even if they will, I'm sure that once they'll meet you they will forget them"

"Aren't you excited? Bisco will meet his mother" Jia's cheeks burned after hearing the last sentence

"So, when need a date to take some days off and go to Japan"

"Maybe next week?" Realisation hitted them hard

"But they will not let us leave the country because of work..." the two said in unision

"Your family won't come here..?" Ni-ki shook his head "they can't leave, they have to work every single day. I tried to convince them multiple times but it doesn't work"

Jia sighed and rested her back on the couch as Ni-ki did the same

Since they didn't had any other place to go, they went to her dorm

And there isn't a single room where you can have some privacy there

"Can I help you..?" Sakura spoke grabbing the two's attention

"You have the problem of leaving the country?" The lovers nodded

"Well me and Jungwon had the same problem not so long ago, I told our manager if she could cover us up and it worked. But you can only have 3 days, nothing more"

Energy had one of the kindest managers ever, she was once a trainee too and knew how it hurted to not be able to see your family or having a special one and let your family know him better, so she gave them this bonus and kept their secret relationship for herself, convinced the agency and their manager

It worked every time

"But are you sure it will work Sakura-san? I mean what excuse will the agency buy to let us go to Japan?"

"I don't know what she says but, it works every time so you can use this bonus too"

"Why your manager is that much kind? We can never tell him about our relationship even if he's really caring"

"It's a long story, just do it today and you can have those 3 days of break after our promotions" she took a bite of her snack and left the two

Ni-ki and Jia looked at eachother, their eyes screamed insecurity

What if the agency will start to suspect them? What if they won't let them go? What if they found out about them? What if—

Jia shook her head, washing the negative thoughts and what ifs out of her mind

"So we're doing it...." Jia held the end of her sleeve tighly as her hands started to be slippery due to the sweat that was forming on them

Riki chuckled at the cuteness she has in his eyes every time she's nervous and held her hand "but your hand will get wet" she stopped talking when Ni-ki kissed the back of her hand

She looked away to hide her blushed face "everything is gonna be ok"

Jia nodded and repeated those words "everything is gonna be ok"

Jia approached her manager with an insecure look on her face, she was scared that everything wasn't gonna follow the plans but, she has to do it for their sake

"Manager-nim...." her manager looked up as a smile plastered on her lips "yeah Jia? Do you need anything?"

"There's something I need to ask you.." she took a deep breathe

"Can I go to Japan?" Her lips parted "can I ask why?"

Jia looked behind her and quickly looked back at her manager

"Is it for a relationship?" Jia hesitantly nodded as the woman's lips curved up again "who's the lucky boy?"

"Ni-ki..." the younger girl scratched her nape due to embarassement

"I knew you both would make a good couple" her cheeks rosed in a light pink tint after the tease

"So where will you need to go?" The manager opened her notes


"Consider yourself already there"

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