t w e n t y e i g h t

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"I'm sorry for making you stay over, you should stay with the rest of the members tonight.." Jia apologised once again for asking the boy to stay at her place for the night. She doesn't feel safe at all now and she doesn't want to stay alone

"I told you it's ok, you're my girlfriend after all so I'm doing my job as a boyfriend! protect you and make you feel safe" Ni-ki smiled as he wrapped a blanket around her and kissed her forehead

"But you said that" Riki cutted her off by giving a peck on her lips which made her cheeks rose in a light pink

"Forget whatever I said, I'm staying here for tonight. The members already said it's ok if I sleep here" Jia bit her lip to suppress a smile and just sniffed

"Whatever you say mr.Nishimura" the girl sat on the couch and extended her arms for a hug

"Can we cuddle?" She puppy-eyed him as Ni-ki couldn't resist her cuteness and gave in, sitting beside her and pulling her closer to hug her

"Just because you're cute and I'm not sleepy, mrs.Nishimura" the new nickname made her face rose in a red tint like a tomato

"We're not married"

"Yet" the flustered girl glared cutely at her boyfriend who just smiled and chuckled

"We're too young to get married, wait until I'm eighteen" Riki shook his head as he tighened his hug while uncontrollably smiling

"I'll wait, but you better say yes once I'll ask you" she just nodded and snuggled her face on his chest

"I will, don't worry"

Ni-ki caressed her head "I love you~" the japanese boy kissed her all over the face which made the female giggle

"Your face looks too cute to not be kissed"

"Angel," the boy shook her a little to wake her up while caressing her cheek

Jia groaned and covered herself with the blanket again "I need to go now, I'm already late for pratice" the girl groaned once again, not wanting him to leave so early

"A goodbye kiss at least?" She rubbed her eyes while facing his direction

"Just one" Ni-ki gave her a light peck on the lips and ruffled her hair

"See you soon angel, love you~" he waved to the girl still asleep in her bed

"I love you too..." and, she fell asleep once again

"Oh gosh look who's back! Our lovebird!" Jake greeted the japanese boy who just entered inside the dorm

"How was your night?" The aussie teased him as a really light pink tint crept on his cheeks

"Ey d-don't ask that" a smile unknowly plastered on his handsome face

"Naur our Ni-ki is blushing!" Jaeyun noticed his red cheeks as Riki flicked his forehead

"Shut up Jake-hyung"

The past days have been way too calm for Jia, and knowing herself and her bad luck, she could feel that something was coming but she didn't knew what yet

"Ni-ki-kun," Ni-ki hummed in response while focusing on the tv and playing games as Jia's head was resting on his lap

"I think that my parents will take me back to Japan and get me out of my group"

"Since I'm still a minor they decide for me and I know them, they'll do it as soon as they know that" Riki sighed and turned off the tv

"Don't think negative angel, you can still tell the company about your parents" he stroked her cheek and caressed her head as he played with few strands of her raven hair

"You know I'm not that brave to tell anyone about this"

"But you told me" Jia glared at her boyfriend "it's different, you were my best friend and then you became my boyfriend so I trusted you but I don't trust the company"

"It's normal, but if you don't want to leave the group then you have to. It's better to prevent than to cure" The japanese boy pointed out. If she wants to stay in the group she should tell the company about her family before they might take her back to Japan

"Aish why is it so hard to have a normal life for once?" The girl sighed in frustation

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