n i n e t e e n

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"So...." Jia started and took a deep breath

Ni-ki might have forgive her but he still wants to know the truth after all "what do you want to hear first..?"

"Is it true that you have an eating disorder....?" Jia sighed and nodded

"Yeah, it's true... that's why I always kept losing weight, I don't need diets anymore.."

"But I'm getting over it! I eat 3 meals a day regularly!" Ni-ki slowly nodded

It's not like he doesn't love her anymore or that he doesn't accept it, it's not her fault after all. He just can't elaborate the fact that his lover had many secrets

"For the part about my younger sister, it's not true, me and my sibilings barely talk to eachother up until this day. Even if they never stood for me, I wouldn't even think of doing anything bad to them"

"And what about the self harm...? Is it true..?" Jia sighed before taking away the rubber band from her wrist revealing her scar

"Yeah..... it's true, I tried to....." she looked down as she felt some tears forming in her eyes "k-kill myself when I was 9"

Ni-ki realised he touched a sensitive topic and immediately hugged her as he started rubbing her back in circles, comforting her

"I'm sorry, I should have not asked in the first place"

"It's ok Ni-ki-kun, it's not your fault, you don't have to apologise" Riki broke the hug and chupped her face as he wiped her tears with his tumb

"Do you still love me like before..?" Ni-ki shook his head as Jia looked down in disappointment

"I love you even more" he kissed her forehead

"Even after everything I told you?" The japanese boy nodded with a sweet smile on his lips

"Of course! It's not like I won't love you anymore just because of your past. Past is past" Jia smiled and hugged him tigh

She was glad to have someone like him that loved her this much to the point that not even her past would affect his love for her

And at least now, she doesn't have anything to hide from him


Jia checked her phone as frown formed on her face "what's wrong love?"

"My manager wants to talk to me?"

"Did we got caught the other night?" The youngest shook her head as her eyes never left the screen

"Byeol-unnie said that there's a rumor spreading about me and I need to clear it out"

"What is it about?"

"My eating disorder"

"Jia-sshi, this morning a rumor about you having eating disorder spread around the medias. I just want to know if it's true or not and then you can leave, ok?"

"Can I ask who told you..?" Her manager sighed

"At first, it was an user on twitter claiming to know you and that she was really close to you. Then, since no one believed her she shared that she was a member of your family and even showed some pictures with you. We speculated that it's your mom..." Jia sighed, that woman won't let her live peacefully once?

"So we need to clear everything before it may ruin your reputation, is that true?"

Jia sighed, what could happen if she admits it? Will the company kick her out? Or will she need to leave to recover? She doesn't want to leave her dream because of this, she doesn't want to leave her teammates and her number one priority, Ni-ki

"But I don't want to go on hiatus... that would mean that I won't get to see Ni-ki or follow the schedules...."

"I know Jia but, it's for your health, it's important"

"will I still have the possibility to go to Okayama?" Her manager smiled

"Yeah, you will"

"Then.... I-I do, I have an eating disorder, I have it since 5 years"

Hate, all she got was hate

Why? Because she was "overshadowing" the group after the announcement about her eating disorder was out. People said that she grabbed too much attention with it because the medias said that she was "the youngest k-pop idol to have an eating disorder"

It wasn't her fault, it isn't her fault, and it will never be

"Are you ok Jia-yah..?" Ni-ki looked at her with worried eyes as he approached his girlfriend who was distressed

"No I'm..... I'm not ok" Ni-ki sighed and sat on her bed

"I'm not ok Riki, I'm not ok... I feel.. sad"

Jia felt broken, she was broken inside

She didn't had anyone else than him, her teammates don't know what she's been going trough, they only know about her disorder and that she was going on hiatus, that's all

"Why do I get so much hate?" She rested her head on his shoulder as Ni-ki started caressing her head

"I don't know, you deserve only love. I hope karma gets them back" Jia laughed a bit, for the first time in that month, she laughed

"You know, you always bright up my day~" the boy kissed her forehead and chuckled after seeing her flustered face

That's what she meant when she said that her mood could chance in a blink of eye when she's with him

"Do you think I will ever get out if this situation?"

"Of course you will, remember, everything will be ok in the end, if it's not ok, it's not the end" he kissed the tip of her nose before flopping himself on her bed

Jia did the same as she hugged him and hid her face in the crook of his neck "I miss our late night walks"

"I miss them too," an idea popped in his mind "tomorrow in front of our old apartment?"

Jia excitedly looked at him and nodded

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