n i n e

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"Boss, here's the file you asked me" the employee bowed while keeping her head low

The woman in her late 40s took a sip of her tea while watching the landscape of Tokyo "read it."

She firmly spoke without turning around

The employee hesitantly took the folder and gulped down her saliva

"N-Nishimura Riki, 14 years old, a-actual member of a k-pop boy group-"

"middle child and only boy of the Nishimura family, he left his family business to become a singer"

"O-One of your agents reported that he and your daughter"

"Don't ever call her my daughter"

"He and ms.Song, recently entered into a relationship this early week"

Mrs.Cho turned around "make sure to tell him everthing I told you or you'll breathe your last breath" she pointed her revolver on the poor employee's forehead which was trembling in fear and sweating

"I-I-I will m-ma'am"

"Go now Jia!" Jungmi whispered looking outside the window

"Bye~" Jia ran out of the dorm and sneacked out

"Riki!" Ni-ki's attention diverted to the door of the girl's dormitory

"Jia-sshi!" Jia run to him as Ni-ki hugged her tighly and caressed her head

"I missed you~"

"I missed you too love" Jia gave a quick peck on his cheek and ran away

"Hey wait for me!" Riki ran after her as they reached the Han river

"What should we do now?" Jia asked as she let the breeze touch her face closing her eyes

Ni-ki took a pair of keys out of his pocket as Jia tilted her head cutely in confusion "keys?"

"They aren't just a pair of keys, these are the keys of our old apartment" her eyes sparkled as she looked at her boyfriend with excitement

"How did you got them back?" Jia jumped in happiness and hugged him

"Just made few calls" he winked

"We can have that house till tomorrow, shall we go?" Jia nodded

They intertwined hands and walked around the empty streets of Seoul

Obiviously, they spoke japanese so people couldn't understand them, luckly

"I'm so excited!" The girl couldn't contain her excitement anymore while looking at her boyfriend unlocking their old apartment's door

"It looks like you love the apartment more than me" Ni-ki pouted and opened the door

"I love you more than a house ok?"

"Mrs.Go really kept her promise" she looked around

"Huh?" The boy looked at his girlfriend confused

"I asked mrs.Go to leave the apartment how we left it until she decides to rent it again"

"And may I ask why?" He sat on the couch as she sat beside him, the japanese boy pulled her closer to him and wrapped an arm around her

"I just wanted to leave our memories here" he stared at her ethereal features as he completely forgot about his surroundings

For him, the only thing inside this room was her, she was everything that he needed and wanted. He couldn't wish for something better

She was his everything, and he couldn't let her go for any reason. Nothing could make him change his mind that if she was with him, everything was ok and that it was gonna be alright

But the two lovers didn't knew what was yet to come as fate had more in plan than a simple love story between young teenagers

Because the past always ghost us, no matter what we do to forget it

So they enjoyed their nights together, that may even be the lasts

Jia rested her head on his shoulder as Ni-ki could see her godly visuals closer than before

His hand caressed her cheek as Jia looked up

"Can I....." his eyes focused on her lips "..kiss you?"

Jia looked into his dark yet shining eyes and shallowed her saliva

She nodded as their faces grew closer till their noses touched

She closed her eyes when she felt his lips on hers, his hand still on her cheek and one on her waist to support her since he was way more taller than her

Jia ran her fingers trough his fluffy hair as her other arm was supporting her weight on the couch

Their lips rode a soft rhythm as they moved in sync

He used the hand on her waist to pull her closer till there wasn't a gap between their bodies

After minutes, they pulled away catching their breaths as a light pink tint appared on their cheeks

"I love you Song Jia" Jia smiled

"I love you more Nishimura Riki"

( random note ): if you feel uncomfortable with the kissing scene let me know, I don't wanna cause any issue. Remeber that this is just a fanfiction, nothing in this is meant to be taken seriously

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