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Jia sat on the grass of the abandoned area

Those words kept repeating in her mind

"You are such lazy person, you are ruining the group. Stay away from Ni-ki, you give him a bad image. A dirty person like you should stay away from him. You are trash"

They were haunting her, torturing her mind as the scene of the fan meeting replayed in her again

Maybe that fan was right, she was ruining the group, she was giving Ni-ki a bad image and she was dirty, accordring to what her mom always told her


Jia was playing with her pen as she waited for the fan to arrive

When it was finally her turn, she welcomed the "fan" with a smile

"You know what you are?" Jia's smile dropped as it wasn't the first time she heard this words

"You are such a lazy person, you are ruining the group. Stay away from Ni-ki, you give him a bad image. A dirty person like you should stay away from him. You are trash" the so-called-fan harshly stood up making the chair fall and left the venue

The members quickly comforted her as the staff decided to not make her continue the fansign and let her rest

End of flashback

"You are such a waste of time and money, I don't know why I didn't killed you in the first place"

She let her body fall on the ground as a tear escaped her right eye, followed by another and another one

Hot tears streamed down her cheeks as she stared blankly at the sky

What could have she done to deserve all of this?

Why female and male idols friendship was that bad in the music industry?

Altrough he and her are now in a relationship, people only know that they are friends so what could be wrong?

If normal girls can have a male friend, then why idols can't?

She knew what she was getting herself into revealing a simple friendship between two trainees, but she wasn't expecting this much toxcity

Jia closed her eyes to suppress the tears that were trying to escape her eyes and covered her face

She was ready to do it, she was ready to cut the rope and give up

Give away the most precious thing anyone was given

Her own life

She was ready, if just that time her sister wouldn't have stopped her, she wouldn't be suffering anymore

She would be resting in heaven and successfully escaped the toxic reality of her little dark world

You know what they say? The brightest smile hides the deepest scars

And for her it wasn't different, her cheerful smile, hided the deepest scars and all the dark memories that haunt her

So what was the only things that kept her hanging like this?

Nishimura Riki

He was the only thing that kept her back from ending all this bullshit called life and find peace for her poor mind

The boy unknowly saved a life with his existence

*bzzt bzzt bzzt*

Her phone kept vibrating as everyone was looking for her

She disappeard and no one noticed until now

The girl turned it off, again, and kept silently crying

*ding ding!*

Ni-ki paused the game and looked at his phone

He answered without looking at the caller id


"Ni-ki, I'm Jiyeon. Please don’t panick but Jia is missing"

"W-What?" The only words the frozen boy could say

"Since when?"

"We don't know, she said that she was coming home but it's been 2 hours and she's still not here"

Ni-ki panicked as Jungwon, who was there with him in the living room chilling and texting his girlfriend, worried a little at the sudden panick of the maknae

"Do you know any place that she may go"

"I know, I call you if I find her" without waiting for the older's reply, he hunged up the call and rushed out of his dormitory

He ran, despite the endless hours of pratice he ran and didn't cared of the small number of people that watched him run on the streets at 1 am

Arriving at the abandoned area panting, Riki rushed to what seemed a body laying on the grass

"Jia...." he whispered seeing the unconscious body of the girl laying on the ground

Only now that she wasn't wearing a sweatshirt or hoodie he was able to see her arms and how skinny she became

He fell on his knees and shook her to wake her up but it was useless

"Jia, i-it's not funny, wake up"

She was pale, unconscious and her body's been freezing here for hours

She might die in this condition

Tears formed inside his eyes "l-love, it's Riki, l-let's stop it here"

He quickly took out his phone and called someone

"I-I found her but..."

"she isn't giving me any response"

While on the other line Jiyeon was calling for help, Ni-ki sobbed out loud and wrapped his jacket around her hoping to warm her up a bit

He hugged her and sobbed harder "hold on, just few more minutes, please"

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