s i x t e e n

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What happened the days after was too much to even elaborate for Ni-ki's poor brain

He refused to believe what he was told, he never knew she could have so many secrets under that innocent face of hers

Or maybe she was just too good at hiding them all with a smile

Lies, what she told him were all lies

She never told him a single thing that was actually real

He started ghosting her, ignoring her calls and her texts and acted as if they were merely strangers

Jia, who was confused as heck, asked the rest of the members if he told them about something she did that might have upset him

No one told her something useful until Sunoo took actions "actually Jia.." he grabbed her hand to stop her from leaving their dorm "there's something that happened" the other members tried to stop him

"Sunoo-hyung, stop, if he want to explain he will do it himself" Sunoo ignored Jungwon and took Jia outside of the dormitory

"Something did happened, but" he sighed before continuing "I don't think it true"

"Just explain Sunoo, I want to know what I did"

"It's not something you did, it's something that happened the day after you talked about going to visit his family"

"We were praticing for our new album..."


"Hey Ni-ki, someone is asking for you" their manager interrupted their pratice to call the maknae out

"Uh? Who?" He frowned, he wasn't expecting any visit from anyone so it was odd for him

"A woman, she said she urgently needs to talk to you" even the members stopped praticing and turned to the door with confusion all over their face

Ni-ki decided to follow his manager only to meet an unfamiliar woman in her 40s

"Ni-ki, right?" The woman asked with a straight and intimidating tone

"Who wants to know it..?"

"I'm Jia's mother" Riki immediately backed away from her

"You are scared of me?" She laughed  "and why would you be?"

"I know everything, Jia told me what you did to her. Come a step closer and I'll call the security"

"And what did I ever did to my precious daughter?" She asked with a small smirk on her face

"I know you abused her, stop playing dumb"

"That's what she told you? You are such a fool to belive those words"

"You see, Riki, can I call you Riki? Jia is mentally ill. She's crazy and she almost killed her little sister" Ni-ki froze on his spot

He knows she would never lie to him, he trusts her

"It's not real, stop talking about her like this.."

"She has an eating disorder, because she doesn't accept the fact that she isn't beautiful as the others. She says she's ugly and that she's never gonna accept herself for what she is, she almost killed herself for that. But I stopped her" Ni-ki shook his head

I know she would never lie to me, I know that

But, we all know that curiosity killed the cat "I guess you haven't seen her scar yet" the woman dryly chuckled


"Yeah, she has a scar on her wrist, to be specific, the left one. She cutted herself there" she looked at her watch before speaking again

"I have to go now, I hope this revelations helped you" the last thing she said before leaving

End of flashback

"W-What?" Jia was froze, looking at Sunoo as those were the only words that left her mouth

Sunoo, the member Ni-ki feels attached to the most, was the first to know this shocking news that seemed all too build up for him

He knew how innocent the girl was, she couldn't be the monster he was told about

Or at least, not completely

"S-So that's why he's been ghosting me?" She uttered sadly as Sunoo nodded

She should have listened to her guts in the first place, she should have told him the truth when she had the chance but now

Her parents broke his trust in her with the false secrets they made up just to ruin her

"Can I know if they're real?" Sunoo asked, because as said, curiosity killed the cat

But satisfaction brought him back

"Obiviously they aren't Sunoo-sshi, but now I can't do anything.." Jia covered her face and crouched on the ground

"I waisted my chance to be honest with him.... I'm a horrible girlfriend.." Sunoo crouched beside her and let her lean her head on his shoulder

"You aren't, you just need to find a way to catch up with him and explain that what they told him was all false"

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