Chapter 6

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"Where's Bellamy?" I ask Octavia. It's 2 o'clock and I still haven't seen him.
"I don't know, probably still asleep."
"Is he that hungover?"
"I guess," she shrugs.
"Thanks," I say. "I'll leave him be. If he's not out by 8, I'll drag him out for some food."
"Sounds good," she replies, putting her thumbs up and then walking away. I walk in the other direction.

At around 7 o'clock, Monty, Jasper, Finn and I build and light a fire. We decided that tonight, we would feast on the deer Murphy shot yesterday.
Murphy and Adam have spent the afternoon preparing it to be cooked: skinning it, removing what wasn't edible and tying it to a stake. We now place it over the campfire, turning it from time to time.
People begin to gather around the fire, sitting on log benches or on the ground.
I'm watching Murphy slice the meat when Octavia taps on my shoulder.
"There he is," she says.
I turn around. "What? Oh." She's pointing at Bellamy, who's making his way to the campfire.
"Hey Bell!" Octavia shouts, waving.
I see his eyes flash in our direction for a split second before looking away. He pretends not to have heard her.
Octavia runs over to him. She says something that I can't hear, and then he looks right at me. We lock eyes before he turns his head.
Something's up, I think to myself. What the hell was that?
I quickly shrug it off and get myself a big piece of the deer's leg. I say thanks for the food in my head before taking a large bite. It's juicy and tender, and I enjoy every bite, but it's a little plain.
I remember how my dad used to squeeze lemon juice onto most of the food he ate. Sometimes he would even put it on other fruits. I smile, thinking about how much I'd like to have lemons right now. But more than anything, how much I'd love to have my dad with me right now.
This gives me an idea. I find Finn and Raven, who are eating by the fire.
"Hey, guys," I say.
"Hey, Clarke. What's up?" says Finn.
"Do you have anymore of those pears?"
"I think we have a few more. Want some?" asks Raven.
"Yeah, that would be great."
She gets up and leaves.
I sit next to Finn while I wait.
"You gonna eat all that?" teases Finn, eying my plate.
I elbow him playfully. "You never comment on the amount of food on a woman's plate."
"Especially not a princesse's," he says.
I instantly stop smiling and frown down at my plate, my face stiff.
Hesitantly, I say: "I don't think Raven likes it when you call me that."
Finn sighs. He's looking straight at me, but I keep my eyes on my food.
"I guess you're right."
We sit in silence until Raven returns with the pears.

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