Chapter 7

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"That looks good," says Raven as I cut the pear into little cubes and eat it with my meat. "Mind if I do the same?"
"What, like, copy me?" I laugh, taking another bite. It tastes ten times better. "We're gonna need more of these, Finn," I tell him.
"I thought I wasn't allowed to go," he says, crossing his arms.
"Not alone, you aren't."
He smiles. Raven frowns slightly, looking away.

When we're done our meal, I get up and head to the bathroom. On my way, I walk past Bellamy, who completely ignores me.
Enough. I need to know what's up with him.
I turn and walk towards him.
"Bellamy," I say to the back of his head.
He doesn't move, as if he hadn't heard me.
I take a step closer to him and grab his arm. "Bellamy."
He turns around. "What?" His eyes are on me, but it feels like he's looking right through me. He looks annoyed, like my presence is bothering him.
"Where have you been all day?" I ask.
"In my tent, mostly."
I notice his voice is impatient. "Okay... Is something wrong?"
"No, nothing's wrong. But I can't talk now. I need to speak with Murphy," he mutters, brushing past me.
"Wait," I shout, hurt by his hostility.
Did I do something wrong?
"What, Clarke?"
I look away, setting my eyes somewhere else—anywhere but him.
"Nothing," I whisper.
He walks away.

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