Chapter 43

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Bellamy's POV

"C'mon, Bel. Are you really planning to spend the rest of your night moping in your tent?" says Octavia. Even after I told her not to, she invaded my tent and is now trying to get me to come out.
"I'm not moping," I mumble. "And I don't feel like coming out. I'm not hungry, anyway." At that moment, my stomach rumbles, betraying me.
Octavia laughs. "Aw, come on. Monty and Jasper whipped up some more of that drink. And to be honest, I think some alcohol would do you well."
As much as I want to stay alone in my tent, she's made some solid arguments for why I should come out. Mainly when she mentioned the alcohol.
"Fine. But I'm only coming out for a bit," I finally give in.


Clarke's POV

She glares at me with menacing eyes. She has a mask on, just like the ones who attacked us and killed Adam. Worst of all, her long, pointy spear is raised. Ready to fly.
Suddenly, I am shoved backwards and someone steps in front of me. Calvin.
He says something in another language that I can't understand. Grounder language?
"Shem gompai kle madon ji. Yu sma clo dei," the woman replies with a sneer. "Shur jé!" she shouts and two men step out from behind trees. It still boggles my mind how such big people are so good at hiding. They wander through the forest as if they were as light and as small as squirrels.
The two new grounders each have a bow and arrows that they have raised them so that one's pointing at me, the other at Calvin. Calvin speaks again, clearly trying to reason with the armed earthborns.
"We don't want them on our territory. We let them live in their camp, that should be enough," the woman says. So she can speak English. "We don't care if they are your friends. They are not welcome here."
"We are on our way to Polis. We are meeting with the commander," explains Calvin.
The woman's lips curl up in a menacing smile. "And why are you doing that?"
"We're discussing a peace treaty," I speak up. "Between the tree people and the sky people."
The woman's smile falls and she narrows her hard eyes.
Her head turns to Calvin and she speaks in the grounder language again.
"Sum ka jus clawn. Gant come wett, yu jar clos gaun. No kla mowndrid."
Calvin's face hardens and his eyes widen slightly. What did they tell him? It was obviously something he didn't like.
There's a quick rustle in the trees behind me. When I turn around, Kaytee is standing with a gun in her arms, pointed at the three grounders.
I look back to them but they've vanished. All three of them. There's a movement in the trees a few yards ahead. Damn, they're fast.
"Let's keep going," says Calvin grimly. Kaytee and I roll up our sleeping bags and wrap the uncooked fish in a sheet of plastic.
"Polis is about a 13 hour walk away now," Calvin informs us.
The three of us set off without a sound, our scary visit from the grounders hanging over us as if the three of them were walking with us now.
After an hour, I finally speak up.
He turns to me. "Yes?"
"What was it that the earthborn told you before they left?"
I couldn't understand what she was saying, she was speaking in the grounder language.
Calvin's jaw tenses and he frowns. He doesn't say anything for a moment and I get the feeling he's not going to answer me. Then he talks.
"Her name is Sonthia. She said that if you don't convince the commander to make peace with your people, her and her friends will come for you and the other sky people. And they will kill you."

Bellamy's POV

I've been out of my tent for an hour and I am currently on my fourth drink. I'm most likely going to regret this tomorrow. On the bright side, I'm thinking less about Clarke. She can have fun with Calvin and Kaytee. I'll have fun back here.
I drain the cup in my hand. I'm about to ask for another when someone hands one to me. I turn to see a girl with long, auburn hair and big brown eyes. I believe her name is Chloe. "Thanks."
"No problem. Although you might not be thanking me tomorrow," she winks. "What is this, your fourth?" Has she been watching me drink? Or is it that obvious that I'm drunk?
"My fifth," I correct her. Why does she care, anyway?
She lifts her own cup to her lips and takes a swig. "I'm going to have to thank Monty and Jasper later."
I just nod. Small talk isn't really my thing. I don't know why Chloe wants to talk to me, anyway, but I guess it's better than standing here alone.
"So when are Clarke and the grounder coming back?" She asks, trying to continue the conversation.
"They're supposed to be back in three days," I reply. Why did she have to mention that? I refuse to let myself get worked up about Clarke. Clarke didn't want me to come with her. She doesn't need me. It's as simple as that.
"It's cool that she gets to see the grounder capital," says Chloe.
"Can we stop talking about it? They'll be back soon, you can ask them about it then," I say. I know I'm being rude, but to be honest, I don't really care.
She raises her eyebrows but doesn't say anything else. I feel kind of bad. She came up to talk to me and I'm being a dick.
"Let me show you something," I say.
She nods and follows me to the dropship. You shouldn't do this, Bellamy, warns my conscience. I ignore it.
I pull her up to the top floor and climb through the window. You're an idiot. Why can't my mind just shut up for one night?
I reach my hand down to help pull her up but she doesn't take it.
"Are you crazy?" I hear her laugh. "There's no way I'm going up there."
I roll my eyes. Why not? Clarke did it. Clarke... "Stop thinking about her," I whisper to myself.
"Can you just come back down here? It's nice here," Chloe interrupts my thoughts.
"Fine," I mumble and climb back down and through the window.
She's sitting on the floor. I sit next to her. I take the last sip of my drink and set my cup aside. When I turn back to her, I almost topple over backwards. It's not Chloe sitting there. It's Clarke. Her large blue eyes are baring into mine and her wavy, golden hair is hanging over her shoulders. Her soft hand takes mine. Without thinking, I close my eyes, lean in, and kiss her.

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