Chapter 25

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"Ooh, I can't wait to see the look on Bell's face. He'll love it!"
I laugh as Octavia goes on, squealing childishly in excitement.
It's 7 o'clock in the morning and Bellamy still isn't awake. We're putting the finishing touches on the party preparation.
I look around myself proudly, Octavia's excitement rubbing off on me. Camp has never been more beautiful and welcoming.
Four cooked rabbits lie on a medal stool that we're using as a table. Finn and Raven had gone out-not too far, of course-to find more peaches. The sweet fruits are sliced up next to the meat.
Octavia and a few others had picked some colourful, wonderful-smelling flowers and had lain them around the table and the dropship.
We had used our bright orange blankets to cover the fence, adding fluorescent colour to the party.
The icing on the cake is Raven's leg brace. She had brought it to me last night, and had insisted that I try it myself.
To my relief, it worked perfectly. I had been so happy about it that I had hugged her, taking her by surprise.

I snap out of my daydream and realize that Octavia is talking to me.
"...wake him up now."
It takes me a moment to realize she's talking about Bellamy. I nod in agreement.
"I think you should wake him up," she says to me. "I'll get everyone to shut up and then sing 'Happy Birthday' when he comes out. Hopefully those idiots can carry a tune."
I laugh. She's been going around camp for the past day giving orders and scolding people for messing up.
I make my way towards the dropship, feeling excited. Poor Bellamy's been locked up, unable to go anywhere, for the past few days. He deserves to have some fun. Octavia is a good sister.

When I open the flap to the ship, Bellamy looks up and smiles.
"Come to pay me a visit, Princess?"
I nod, returning his smile.
"Good," he goes on. "Cause it's been real boring for me here all by my lonesome."
I roll my eyes.
"You know, it's actually kinda weird," he says, raising an eyebrow. "Barely anyone has come in here for the past day." He pauses, looking at me quizzically.
"I guess people have just been busy," I shrug, but I say it a bit too fast.
"Anyway," I continue, quickly changing the subject, "I think it's time you come out into the sunlight."
This time, both of his eyebrows are raised. "What about my leg?"
"I'll help you. You can lean on me."
Bellamy is looking at me skeptically, but argues no more. "Sounds good. But since I've been living lately in this dark pit of rusty medal, my eyes might not welcome the sun with open arms."
I roll my eyes at his exaggerating tone. "Come on, you big baby." I help him sit up, and then carefully shift him sideways so that his legs are dangling over the cot.
He takes a steady step onto the medal ground, leaning all his weight on his left leg. I'm surprised at how easy it looks for him.
"Something tells me you've had some practice," I say in a scolding tone. I tuck my arm under his, and place it firmly around his torso.
"Come on. You didn't expect me to just lay here this whole time, did you?"
I shake my head, grinning.
We walk together, me supporting him, until we reach the front of the dropship. I stop, remembering the code phrase I'm supposed to say before we exit, so that everyone knows when to sing.
"It's a nice day, isn't it?"
Bellamy looks at me, frowning. His mouth opens questioningly as we step through the tarp flaps, but he's interrupted by almost 100 voices bursting into song.
Octavia was wrong to doubt  their harmony. They sound beautiful. Voices on every octave ring out, creating an amazing chorus of melody.
The sun is slowly rising, sending bright, almost acidic oranges and yellows all across the sky.
And then, out of nowhere, bright pink and blue sparks fly up into the trees, almost like the fireworks I'd seen so many times in fairytale books. I smile, silently thanking Raven for the spectacular show.
Before I know what's happening, my hand is in Bellamy's, and my eyes or locked with his. He's laughing happily, his twinkling brown eyes glistening with what can only be tears of joy.
"...happy birthdaaaayyyyyyy to you!" Once the last line is sung, people begin to cheer and clap. Someone yells: "Let's get this party started!" and they begin to dance, or hug, or chug the alcoholic drinks that Monty and Jasper brewed for us last night. I never really thought that their chemics expertise would come in so handy.
Octavia runs to Bellamy, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and smacking him on the cheek with a birthday kiss. "Happy birthday, big brother."
"Thanks, O. I can't believe you guys did this."
She smiles warmly, simply staring at him happily for a while. Then her eyes go big and she says excitedly: "I almost forgot!" She runs away, then returns within seconds, holding Raven's leg brace. "Raven made this for you," she says, handing it to him.
Bellamy happily tries it on, then carefully takes a step in it. The sides of his mouth curl up in an adorable smile as he continues to walk forward. "Wow! This is great!"
Bellamy has never looked so ecstatic, I think to myself. The joyous smile on his face makes me feel happy, too. I never knew felicity was contagious.
Once Bellamy has thanked Raven, he walks back to me and Octavia. He opens his mouth, but is once again interrupted by a loud noise. Except this time, it isn't singing. This time, it's screaming.

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