Chapter 14

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We set off on the hunt, agreeing to stick together all way through unless something goes wrong and we must separate.
I walk at the front of the group, leading the way. Bellamy and Murphy discuss tactics while Octavia shows Adam how to properly expertly throw a spear. She's very skilled at it. Must just be natural talent.
Every now and then, Adam throws the spear at a bush or a tree, sending birds and insects flying away in all directions. One time, it goes flying so close to Bellamy's chest that he snaps, yelling and cursing at Adam. The poor boy's face twists into an uneasy frown as he stammers his apologies. Octavia tells her brother to loosen up, to stop being so uptight.

I don't know what it is exactly, but something sets me off. Perhaps it's the level of anger Bellamy managed to reach in a period of less than two seconds, or the fact that we're on the hunt for armed warriors-that could be surrounding us in the tress for all we know-and Octavia's telling Bellamy to 'loosen up', but I burst into a fit of laughter. I had originally opened my mouth to tell them we had to keep moving, but my words were replaced by loud, uncontrolled giggles.

Bellamy frowns, shooting me a look. "What is it? What's so funny?"
Of course, I'm unable to answer, as I am still laughing. Finally, after a minute or two, it dies down, and my breathing continues at it's usual pace.
Octavia, Adam and Murphy just stare at me, perplexed but amused.
Bellamy isn't smiling though. He's still frowning, like something's wrong.
"Oh, it was nothing," I explain, breaking the silence. "Just... Just remembering a joke Finn told me yesterday," I lie.
"Okay..." says Bellamy skeptically. "Let's keep going."

"I have to admit, I'm a bit surprised," Octavia says. "It's been at least two hours, and we haven't seen, heard or been killed by any grounders yet."
Adam laughs, but I realize she has a point, and a shiver crawls down my spine. "You don't think..."
"Think what?" asks Bellamy. He tilts his head, frowning worriedly.
I shake my head, biting my lip. I can't help but take a careful look around me, searching for any movement in the trees.
Something catches my eye. There's a gleam reflecting off of something silver high up in a tall tree. But when I take a better look, it seems to be empty. Of course, that doesn't stop the nervous pounding of my heart and the catching of my breath in my throat. But I can't cause unnecessary panic. Besides, my eyes are probably playing tricks on me. I return my attention to the path in front of us and continue to walk.
"Nothing," I finally respond.

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