Chapter 62

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I drop to my knees, the gun slipping out of my hand and landing on the ground without a sound.
All I hear is the ringing in my ears, and all I see is the body. And the hole in his head.
"I'm sorry," I whisper again, even though I know he can't hear me. He'll never hear anything again.
"I'm so sorry."
Bellamy's lips move, but I can't concentrate on what he's saying. The sound of the gunshot that ended Murphy's life plays over and over in my head. I bring my hands to my ears to try to block out the sound, but I can't.
Bellamy is now in front of me, his hands gripping my wrists. He pulls me towards him, into his chest.
As I bury my head in his chest, he wraps his arms around me and kisses me on the top of my head. All at once, the ringing and the gunshots stop. I can hear Bellamy's voice.
"Clarke, it's okay. You did what you had to do."
"I killed him," I whimper, tears starting to run down my cheeks.
"You had no choice."
"You had no choice," he repeats, kissing my head again. "It's going to be okay, Clarke."
I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to erase the image of Murphy's still body from my head. I let Bellamy pick me up and carry me out of the cave, away from the body.
I only open my eyes again when I'm lain down on our bed. Bellamy pulls off my shoes, and then his, before lying down next to me.
"What are we gonna tell everybody?" I ask in a shaky voice.
"We'll figure that out tomorrow." He puts an arm around me and takes my hand, pressing his lips to the back of my neck. "It's all going to be okay, I promise."
I nod, closing my eyes again. I trust him.

I wake up when I hear the sound. The sound of our front door being opened.
My eyes take a minute to adjust to the darkness. Bellamy's lying down next to me, sound asleep. I hear quick footsteps heading towards the bedroom.
"Bellamy, wake up. Someone's in the house," I say in a panicking voice. I nudge him, but he still doesn't wake up.
I watch as the doorknob starts to slowly turn. I try to get out of my bed and grab some sort of weapon, but I can't move.
The door creeks open, revealing a tall figure.
My blood turns to ice as soon as the person steps in the room, into the dim moonlight. Murphy.
"You thought you could get rid of me that easily?" He laughs, shaking his head. The hole in his head drips blood, that runs down over his face. Completely frozen, I watch in terror as he raises his gun.
Just then, Bellamy wakes up. He sits up, looking at me and then at Murphy. Before he can move or speak, Murphy pulls the trigger. I scream, somehow even louder than the gunshot, as the bullet pierces Bellamy's skull.
And then another gunshot sounds, and everything goes black.

I sit up in bed, drenched in sweat and with tears running down my cheeks.
It was just a dream. It was just a dream.
I repeat that to myself until I calm down a bit.
It's too dark to see anything, and my vision is blurry with tears anyway.
I feel around for Bellamy, but all I feel is the sheet. He isn't here.
I step out of bed and pull on my jacket, trying hard not to start panicking. Where the hell is he?
Heading out the door, I wipe my eyes with my sleeve, trying to dry the tears. The sun is just starting to rise. The village is pretty quiet, but I see a few people setting up their trading stands when I walk into the centre.
Unsure where to start looking first, I let my legs guide me to the tower. As I step into the badly-lit building, I bump into someone. He reaches forward and grabs my wrist, preventing me from falling backwards.
I look up from his hand to his face. It's Bellamy.
"Where the hell were you?" My voice is louder than I intended it to be. "I had no idea where you were!" I pull my hand out of his grip, glaring at him.
"I'm sorry," he says, looking slightly taken aback by my anger. "I came to talk to Tuscany. I told her about last night. We sorted it out. I was gonna come right back."
Before my mind can catch up to my actions, I fling my arms around his neck, surprising both me and him. I pull him towards me and rest my head against his chest. I guess I was just really worried about him. Last night, I almost lost him. I won't let anything else happen to him.
After a second, he wraps his arms tightly around me and let's out a small laugh. "I don't think I'll ever be able to understand you, Clarke Griffin."

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