Chapter 41

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"Let's each grab a peach and go."
"Okay," agrees Bellamy. "What time is it?"
"6:53," I reply. It's a good thing my watch runs on solar power. Otherwise, it wouldn't be working anymore.
We had been awake all night, so I slept for a good part of the day. It wasn't a good idea. Now my sleeping schedule is completely messed up, so there's a good chance I'll be awake all night and exhausted by morning.

The camp didn't take the news that Clara was back too well. Only a few of them were happy about it. We explained to them that everyone deserves a second chance, now that we're down on earth.
We also told them about meeting the grounders to try to make peace.
I hope that Calvin comes back with good news. This meeting could determine whether we live or die. What if the grounders who don't want to make peace with us someday decide they're tired of us and they want to attack our camp? Something tells me they wouldn't have much of a problem doing so.

Peaches in hand, we exit the wood gates of our camp to meet Calvin, Zoe walking next to me.
"So Clavin was really accepting, huh?" I ask Zoe, who I haven't talked to since yesterday.
Her face lights up at the mention of her boyfriend.
"Yea, he was happy even. He's worried about me, but he's happy.

It doesn't take long for us to reach the clearing. Just like yesterday, Calvin appears after a few seconds and hugs Zoe.
"Hey," she greets him with a smile so bright the setting sun seems dull.
"Any good news?" I ask eagerly. That was rude, sneers my always helpful self-conscience.
"I mean, hi," I correct myself. "How are you?"
Calving laughs, showing his charming smile. "I'm good. And yes, I have good news."
I feel a weight lift off my chest and I exhale. I hadn't known I had been holding in a breath.
"The commander has agreed to meet with you, on her terms."
I nod anxiously, waiting to hear the head grounder's terms.
"She left this morning to meet with another tribe in order to make a trade. It's a four day journey in all. She would like to meet in two weeks."
"No!" I blurt out. "That's in too long."
In a period of two weeks, who knows what could happen?
Calvin shrugs apologetically. "Unless you want to meet her in Polis, there's nothing I can do."
"Then that's what I'll have to do," I say, not even taking time to think about my decision. "I'll meet her in Polis."
"No way Clarke," Bellamy cuts in with a hard look on his face.
"Yes, Bellamy," I counter. "I need to go now. A lot can happen in two weeks. We really have no time to waste. You can't stop me."
His eyes lower and his expression is suddenly hurt. Once again, I want to give in and tell him I won't go. But I'm not going to risk more lives of the kids in our camp to please the boy I love.
"I'm sorry. But I don't have any other choice," I say. I turn to focus my attention back on Calvin.
"In which direction is she headed?" I ask.
"Polis is North. The Commander is on foot, because her horse died just last week from disease, as did a few others. The ones that survived the sickness are still recuperating. That's why the journey will be so long."
He pauses for a moment before adding: "I could take you to Polis."
Zoe looks at him, her eyes wide with worry and uncertainty.
"That would be amazing!" I exclaim. I turn to look a Bellamy, hoping he's got the same happy look on his face as I do. How foolish.
He's looking at me angrily, shaking his head as if to say that I'm being stupid and unreasonable.
How can he not see how much this matters? It may not be the safest or easiest choice, but it's the most logical one I can think of.
"Can we leave tomorrow morning? At dawn?" I ask, looking back at Calvin.
"No. If we want to make sure not to miss the commander, we should leave now."


"I'll come with you," offers Kaytee. "I'm not bad with a spear and I can go hours in the woods without getting tired."
We're back at camp. We decided, in order to avoid any panic, that Calvin would wait at the clearing. I've just finished explaining to camp about the meeting, and how I'm going to meet the commander today.
"I don't know..." I ponder her request. We could use an extra person. Kaytee is a great hunter and it would be nice to have her company. We could also use her constant optimism.
"Please? I love exploring the woods," she urges.
"Yea, sure," I give in. "I'll go fill our water bottles and get some snacks to keep us going." I begin to walk in the direction of the bucket of water at the centre of camp when someone grabs my wrist. I turn to see Bellamy. He's kept quiet since we left the clearing.
"I think Kaytee can do that," he says rudely. Kaytee nods and leaves to retrieve the water bottles.
"Bellamy, what do you want?" I ask him impatiently. He doesn't speak. "Bellamy, I really don't have a lot of time-"
"You're going to get yourself killed."
I try not to roll my eyes. "We're going to be fine, Bellamy. Calvin will be with us the whole time."
"Clarke, I'm telling you-
"Bellamy, I'm sorry," I cut him off. "But I'm going to Polis and you can't stop me."
He lets go of my hand immediately. The last thing he mutters before storming away is "fine".
It takes a lot to not go after him, but once again, I have to put the rest of camp's needs before mine.
Kaytee comes back carrying a backpack and two water bottles. I realize I forgot to tell her about Calvin.
"Actually, we're going to need three bottles. Calvin's coming."
"Calvin?" She questions, raising an eyebrow.
"He's an earthborn. I'll explain the rest later, we don't have much time. Now pack a sleeping bag, some leftover rabbit and bring a gun. I'll go pack my stuff and then we'll meet Calvin and leave.


Once we're finally ready, we say our temporary goodbyes to the camp.
"Are you sure about this, Kaytee?" says Murphy, who looks very concerned for his girlfriend. I'm still having trouble adjusting to this new Murphy.
"Yes, I'm sure. Stop worrying, Murphmuffin," she answers. His cheeks redden at the ridiculous nickname and I force myself to hold in my laugh. Kaytee winks at him teasingly before pulling him in for a short kiss. "I'll see you in four days."

I look around for Bellamy, who's nowhere to be seen. I've already said goodbye to Raven, Finn and Octavia, but I was hoping Bellamy would come around before I left. I really don't have time to play hide and seek right now. I guess I'll have to wait until I get back to see him again.
"Bye, guys," I say for the fifth time to my friends. They're wave their goodbyes, and Kaytee and I set out to meet Calvin, ready for our journey to Polis.

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