Chapter 16

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My body spins around. My knees buckle and I fall as I watch the events happening before me. Noises and voices flood my ears, but my brain does not process anything.
My body is almost numb, but I feel the arrow rip past my arm, skimming by but still taking a chunk of my skin with it.
And then everything goes silent, and I watch, helplessly, as chaos surrounds me.
The scream's owner was Adam, screaming as a spear sank into his chest. Octavia kneels before him, sobbing or yelling; it's all silence to me.
For a moment, everything is slow. Bellamy yanks Octavia away from her gasping boyfriend just as a large, blurry figure comes shooting down from a tree. The figure lands on it's feet and aims another arrow. This time it stikes Bellamy in his stomach, before he can aim his gun.
All at once, the silence vanishes. The noises all come back, and they seem to be twice as loud.
Someone's screaming. Someone close. But no one is close enough to me to be the owner of the loud, terrified yelps.
Then I realize it's me. I'm the one that's screaming. And the second I realize that, I regain feeling.
Suddenly, everything is so much faster. I spring to my feet, running as fast as I possibly can towards Bellamy and Octavia. Bellamy is no longer strong enough to hold back his sister. She lunges towards Adam and wraps her arms around him, lifting him up. Murphy, who had been rolled into a tight ball, gets up and helps her. I reach them and put an arm around Bellamy's shoulders, supporting him as we run. Somehow, through all this panic, we all manage to run in the same direction. We're sticking together, just like we promised each other.
Arrows continue to fly, most of them miraculously skimming right past us. Bellamy is trying his best to keep up with us, but he's slowing us down to half the speed we could go.
"Clarke," he grunts. "You need to leave me."
I shift so that more of his weight is on me. With every bone in my body concentrated on running, I can't speak. I simply shake my head.
"Please Clarke," he cries. "I can't let you all die for me."
Just as he speaks, a sharp, stinging pain pierces my left shoulder-the one holding up Bellamy.
I gasp, falling to the ground, followed by Bellamy.
Murphy turns, looking at us in shock. "Octavia, you have to put him down. He's gone anyway." He's talking about Adam.
I try to lift myself off the ground, but fall back down with a painful thud.
"Come on, Octavia. We don't have time!" shouts Murphy, shooting his gun a few times in the other direction. One of his bullets hits someone.
My vision is too blurry to see properly, but I think I hear Octavia place Adam back onto the ground. I can hear her sobbing.
"The only thing we can do is help them," Murphy shouts desperately, referring to me and Bellamy.
I feel two strong arms lifting me up, and before I know it, I'm back on my feet. Octavia is half-carrying, half-supporting me as I hop painfully towards safety. Murphy fires a few more shots before picking Bellamy up.
There are no more arrows flying by us. No more large, masked figures charging towards us.
For a moment I feel safe. I think that we've outrun the grounders.
Then that moment of relief is shattered by a spear flying straight towards us.
Straight towards Bellamy.

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