Chapter 50

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A/N: Chapter 50! Wow! Like I said, this book is coming to an end. There are only a few chapters left. But don't worry—there's still a lot that's going to happen before the end. Thank you for reading, voting and commenting!


"Kill him." Sonthia's words echo in my head.
The man holding a knife to Bellamy's throat nods and I close my eyes, knowing there's nothing I can do. Standing here, trembling, a man pointing an arrow at my heart. Maybe this is just a dream. Maybe if I open my eyes, I will be lying in a sleeping bag, with Bellamy's arms wrapped around me.
I open them, knowing that's not going to happen.
Bellamy is lying on the damp ground.
My knees buckle and I begin to fall when I notice the man who was holding the knife to Bellamy's throat is on the ground, too. His face is in the dirt and a spear is sunk into his back. Bellamy's eyes flicker open. He's alive.
Four figures run in my direction, all of them bearing guns or spears. Octavia, Kaytee, Jasper and Monty. Somehow I know it was Octavia who threw the first spear, the one that saved Bellamy's life.
I drop to the ground, taking cover from the bullets and the spears being thrown from both sides. Jasper tosses a gun to Octavia, who has run out of spears.
The two grounders left have no chance against four guns. Within seconds, Sonthia and her friend are on the ground. The man has a bullet in his head. He was dead the moment it hit him.
Sonthia was hit in the arm by Octavia's spear, and in the thigh by a bullet. She's still alive, but unable to get up.
The first thing I do is run to Bellamy, who is too weak to stand up and looks like he's on the verge of passing out.
"Are you okay?" I ask as I kneel next to him and move the hair out of his face.
His hair is sticky with blood and there's a lump forming on top of his head. I was right, he was hit by something hard.
He smiles gently. "I'm okay. Are you, Princess?"
"I'm fine," I assure him. "It's okay. It's all—"
Suddenly, a loud scream pierces through the momentary silence. I immediately recognize the voice. It's Murphy's. I turn around to see him, tears falling from his face, hunched over a body lying on the ground. My head starts hurting and I think I might throw up. She's lying on her back, her eyes open but lifeless, her body completely still.
"I told her not to go with them," he whimpers, holding Kaytee's limp hand.
He looks from her to me. "What are you doing? Help her!" He shouts desperately.
I only have to glance at Kaytee's wounds to know that she's already dead. There's an arrow lodged deeply into her chest.
I try to explain to him that I can't help her, but no words come out. I can't speak. Instead, Octavia does.
"Murphy, there's nothing she can do," she tells him gently. "She's already—"
"Shut up!" Murphy yells before she can finish. "Don't say it."
"I'm sorry," says Octavia sadly. "I'm so sorry, Murphy." She bends down to give him a hug. He continues to cry, his body shaking in Octavia's arms.
My eyes travel back to Kaytee's still body. It's a sight I never thought I'd see. She was so brave and so strong. Somehow, she almost seemed invincible. And yet now she's lying on the dirt, her open eyes empty and spiritless.
At least her death was quick, I assure myself, but it does little to make me feel better. All that matters is that she's gone and she's not coming back.
From the corner of my eye, I can see Sonthia trying to get up. I walk towards her. She manages to prop herself up onto her elbows, but I kick her back down.
There's a sudden shift of emotion within me, that happened so fast I barely noticed. I was sad. But now, I'm angry.

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