Chapter 58

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For a few seconds, everything is black.
Finally, I open my eyes. But I'm not in Polis. I'm at the drop ship.
"Bellamy?" I say, looking around. No one seems to be here.
What the hell?
I walk towards the dropship, drawing back the curtain and stepping inside.
"Hello?" My words echo off the metal walls. Of course, I'm not expecting any sort of answer. So I'm surprised when I get one.
I spin around and almost loose my balance as my jaw drops. A pale figure stands in front of me, a small smile on her lips. "Kaytee?"
She nods, her smile growing. "Miss me?"
I run towards her and wrap my arms around her. "I thought you were dead," I cry, drawing back to look at her again. "How are you alive?"
She frowns sadly and shakes her head. "I wish I were," she whispers and I feel my stomach drop.
Kaytee reaches forward to touch my shoulder but I take a step back.
"You're not real, are you?"
"No," she replies sadly. "You passed out and now you're imagining this."
I sigh and try to keep myself from shedding any tears. I guess it wouldn't matter anyway, since I'm just imagining this.
"But just because I'm not real, it doesn't mean that what I'm about to say isn't. I have something really important to tell you, and you have to listen carefully."
I nod, ready to listen to whatever Kaytee has to say.
"Something's coming. Something bad."
"What else is new?" I reply, rolling my eyes. "It's not like we've had things easy since we landed."
"Clarke, this is serious," she urges.
"Okay, sorry. Keep going," I tell imaginary Kaytee.
She takes a deep breath. "Someone you trust is going to betray you. They're going to do something terrible, unless you stop it."
"Okay... Who?" I ask hesitantly. Should I even pay attention to what she's saying? This is just my imagination, isn't it?
"I don't know. All I know is that you have to be careful, okay? Promise me."
"How? Do I just stop trusting everyone?"
Kaytee sighs, her eyebrows creasing. "I don't know what you should do. I just don't want you to get hurt."
I nod, and she gently wraps her arms around me. "I have to go now, because you're about to wake up. But first, can you I ask you a question?"
"Of course."
"How's Murphy?" she asks, a small smile spreading across her face.
"Well he definitely misses you," I tell her, smiling sadly. "But I think he's going to be okay."
The last thing I see is a small happy tear on her face, and then all I see is white.
"Clarke, are you okay?" The voice belongs to Bellamy.
Slowly, my vision starts to come back. First I see the sky, and then I see Bellamy's face. He lets out of sigh of relief when he sees I'm awake. There are people standing all around me, staring down at me with concerned expressions.
"Let's go back to the cabin," I say weakly.
Bellamy nods and before I know it, I'm lifted off the ground. He's carrying me, bridal style, towards the small houses. "Bellamy, I'm able to walk," I groan, embarrassed.
"Well why should you if there's no need to?" he says, grinning down at me.
I smile back up at him, thinking for the thousandth time how lucky I am that I didn't loose him like Murphy lost Kaytee.


"And she didn't tell you who it was?"
"She didn't know," I answer. "All Kaytee said was that someone I trust is going to betray me, and I have to be careful."
Bellamy and I are back at our place, sitting on the couch in the living room. I told him about the dream I had while I was passed out, but he doesn't seem too convinced.
"But that was just your imagination. It could all be made up."
"I know," I say. "But maybe I should start being more careful, more aware..." I trail off, not quite sure of what I should do.
"So you're just going to stop trusting people?" he asks.
"No. Well, I don't know."
"Clarke, I don't want to be rude or anything, but I think you might be looking too far into it. It was probably just an ordinary dream that your imagination came up with."
I try to consider what he's saying. But for some reason, I don't believe that. Somehow, the dream felt real.
"Maybe," I say, unconvinced.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Bellamy asks. "You were unconscious for at least five minutes."
"I'm fine," I assure him.
He presses the back of his hand against my forehead, and then my neck. "You seem kinda cold. I think I need to warm you up."
Before I can protest, Bellamy lies down, pulling me onto him. He wraps his arms around my back so I can't get up.
"Better?" he asks teasingly.
I answer him by bringing my lips to his, and then resting my head on his chest. Before long, I've completely forgotten about Kaytee's warning. I focus only on Bellamy's fingers running through my hair.

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