Chapter 26

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"What's wrong?" yells a panicked voice. I turn to see Kaytee rushing towards us, her head twisting in all directions in confusion. The camp has erupted into loud gasps, shrieks and shouts.
"Who screamed?" Kaytee asks, but I don't reply. Instead, I run to the source of the scream.
I find my legs bringing me out of the gate, towards the woods.
I know other kids are following me, but their footsteps are drowned out by the deafening scream still ringing in my ears.
Suddenly, my legs stop, rooted to the ground as tears blur my vision.
Zoe stands in front of me, her hands over her face as she stumbles away from the figure before her.
My eyes stick, unblinking, to the terrifying thing that hangs a few feet away from me.
A body. Blood is smeared over every inch of it, mixed with the dirt caked to it's skin. By taking a closer look, I notice that it's a girl. Her eyelids hang open, revealing pale brown eyes.
I gasp as my eyes reach her jacket: it's a pale green one, one that I've seen before.
I feel my insides coil in revolting horror as the realization hits me: the body is Alex's.
The ringing in my ear is replaced by the beating of my heart. Every part of me wants to run away. But for some reason, I don't. Instead, I step closer, my eyes squinting at her bare stomach. The only things covering her are her jacket, which is unzipped, and her pants.
I take a closer look at her torso, my eyes focusing on the bloody scratches covering her stomach. It's writing.
Just as I move even nearer to her, I hear a groan. I jump backwards, falling to the ground with a terrified shout.
Someone rushes towards Alex and cuts the rope stringing her from the tree. Two girls catch her and begin to carry her back inside the gates. Screams and gasps drown any other thoughts from my mind.
Before I am able to process what just happened, I am being lifted from the ground and dragged backwards, towards camp. I look up to see Finn, his arms around me, telling me to get up.
"Come on, Clarke," he says. "You need to come help her!"
"Who, Alex?" I ask, standing up on shaky legs. Bellamy stands next to Finn, looking at me with concern.
"Clarke, are you okay?"
All at once, a wave of realization hits me. The groan belonged to Alex.
She's still alive.
And it's up to me to keep her that way.

Hello fellow "The 100" fans! I am so sorry that I haven't been writing too often lately, but things have been so busy! A highschool girl's gotta do what a highschool girl's gotta do, am I right? No? Hm.... ):
Anyway, I will try to write a lot this weekend. Just remember, you all mean so much to me! You guys are my motivation, the reason I am writing this. <3

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