Chapter 45

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"She wants us to come live in Polis?" repeats Kaytee. We're standing just outside the building at the centre of Polis, where I met with Tuscany. Kaytee looks around at the houses and the people in the village, a smile on her face. "I would love to live here."
"Me too," I agree. This is the first time we're actually going to be safe since we came to earth. All there is left to do is walk back to Camp and tell everybody the news, and then come back.
We're actually going to live in houses. We're going to be taught everything we need to know about Earth. We're going to live with other people, people I'm dying to know all about. Best of all, we're not going to be constantly fearing for our lives.
I finally allow myself to really think about Bellamy. We could live together in one of these small, stone houses. I'm not quite 18 yet and I've only known Bellamy for a few weeks, but things seem to move a lot faster on the ground than on the ark. And I'm okay with that.


The walk back to Camp seems much shorter than the one to Polis. Calvin is very pleased about the peace treaty. Now Zoe can come live with him and they can raise their baby together in a safe home.
Kaytee hums quietly as we walk. About eight more hours and we're back at Camp. When Calvin told me the walk to Polis and back would take four days, it seemed like a very long time. Until I got into the woods. Turns out, I can't get enough of them. The trees. The animals. The wild berries we pick as we walk on.
I can't wait to recount my journey to Bellamy. I wish he could have come, but he needed to stay back to watch over the camp and keep things in order. I hope he isn't mad at me. I've spent almost five days without him and I miss him. I want to go home to a welcoming, happy Bellamy. Not an angry one.


"Home sweet home," Kaytee says as we arrive at the gates. "Kaytee, Clarke and Calvin are coming in!" she shouts and I help her push open the heavy door.
The first to greet us is Murphy. His smile practically reaches his ears as he pulls Kaytee into his arms for a tight hug. Next is Zoe, who does the same with Calvin. I'm looking around for Bellamy when I spot him at the back, behind the group greeting us. His eyes lock with mine and he smiles. I guess he isn't mad.
Kaytee shouts for everyone to be quiet. "Clarke will tell you the news," she says and smiles at me.
I nod and, once the camp is quiet, begin to explain what Tuscany told me. About the peace we now have with the tree people. About the angry grounders who want to kill us. And finally, about moving to the capital, Polis.
Camp erupts into gasps and cheers. They immediately shower me in questions. "When are we leaving?" "How many people will share a house?" "What if the grounders attack when we'reon the way there?"
Before I can answer one, Kaytee touches my arm and tells me she can answer them. "Go see him," she says, and I know right away who she's talking about.

I make my way through the pack of excited teenagers and find Bellamy. I wrap my arms around him and nuzzle my nose in his neck, breathing in his familiar sent.
"Hey, Clarke," he whispers. His voice is weak.
"Do you want to come to my tent? It's kinda crazy out here," he proposes. I nod and follow him to the bright orange tent. "So, we're going to live in Polis," he says, smiling wearily. I nod, but my attention seems to be on his mouth right now. Before I can stop myself, my lips are on his and my arms are wrapped around his shoulders. I've waited five days to do this.
But his lips aren't moving like they normally do. He pulls back and looks at me with a grave look on his face.
What's this about? "Is something wrong?" I ask. Maybe he is mad at me. I understand if he wants to talk about things, but it kind of hurts that he didn't kiss me back.
"I have something to tell you, Clarke," he says.
This can't be good.
He takes a deep breath before continuing. "When you were gone, I stayed in my tent for at least a whole day, and then Octavia finally got me out one night." His eyes are teary. This makes me ten times more nervous. Bellamy, crying? It's unheard of. But here he is, standing in front of me, teary-eyed. "You know what? I won't waste your time with excuses." He's choking on his words. "I kissed Chloe."

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