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*I am going to skip over all the beginning stuff cuz i just want to jump right into the story*

You had finally arrived to Pandora and meeting all the other avatar drivers was amazing, you had grown close with Jake while you were both learned from Norm and Grace, the ways of the Navi people. You still hadn't gotten to link to your avatar yet because you needed to know the basics of the world first but tomorrow would be both yours and jakes first day in your avatars.

You woke up the next morning and you were exploding with joy, you met up with the others

"So y/n are you ready for your first day in your avatar?" grace asked

"Is that even a question? Im about to burst with excitement" you said almost shouting

"Well you better get in there" she said smiling at your happiness

You laid in the machine and when you opened your eyes there was a shinning white light, then it slowly started to come into focus and you raised your hands seeing blue skin

"Can you hear me y/n?" you heard

You slowly sat up and saw a few scientists around you

"How are you feeling?" she asked

"Amazing" you said smiling, you had to restrain yourself from running out, like you had seen jake just do

"Everything looks good, you can go out and see the others" she said letting you run out

When you got outside you saw jake norm and grace talking

"Hey jake how are you liking it" you asked seeing as he dug his feet into the ground

"I can't explain it...I just wanna go see more" he said

"Well get dressed and we will head out" grace said

~Later in the midst of pandora~

You, Jake, Norm and Grace were all walking around looking at all the amazing life around you

You accidentally got distracted by a beautiful plant a little bit farther from the group, so you walked off and when you finally got to it you saw a glowing white kind of floating insect, so being intrigued you followed it and by the time you got to it, it finally landed on a tree it was night time and you didn't realize the group wasn't anywhere to be seen, you began to panic a bit but then the trees and wildlife all around you began to glow, everything, it was amazing, even the little animals and insects were glowing

"Wow" you whispered

What you didn't notice was someone was watching you confused, you weren't like other sky people, you weren't violent and mad, you seemed delicate and one with nature, it made him want to know more

As you were walking around you heard someone walk up behind you, as you turned around a navi man was standing with an arrow pointed at you

You were shocked and a bit scared at first but there was something in you that made you excited to be around him and without you knowing and being so new to this avatar body, your tail started swaying and he noticed

He tried not to smile but he was also confused to why a sky person would be happy to see one of them

"Hi im y/n, im sorry if I trespassed or touched something I wasn't suppose to" you said still a bit nervous

"What are you doing here dreamwalker?" he asks as he lowers the bow

"I came to research the plant life and animals here and.....I got lost from my group so i have just been walking around" you stated

"How did you get lost you should have stayed with them" he said with his face still a bit mad

"Well i saw this fluffy white seedling thing floating so i followed it to here" then all of a sudden a bunch landed on you and stayed in your hair illuminating you "See these things.....what are they?" you asked

"Its a sign from Eywa" he stated shocked

"A good sign?" you asked looking up at him

"Im not sure....come with me" he said grabbing your hand and leading you away

You finally reached a huge beautiful tree, when you got inside he let go of your hand

"Mo'at there has been a sign" he said to an older Navi

"What happened?" she said in navi language

"The woodsprites chose her and landed on her....see" he said as he came back over to you and lifted your hair and a bunch of them floated out

"hmmmm...i see" she said walking up to you and observing your tail and hair, then she poked you with a knife and licked it, you were confused but you didn't want to disrespect her so you kept quiet

"This sign from Eywa is interesting but I can tell there is something pure about this dream walker and we shall teach her the ways of our people" she said

You were yet again excited and your tail was swaying again and Mo'at and Tsu'tey noticed

They both smiled at this cute action

"Tsu'tey you will teach her everything" she said

You couldn't tell if he was upset or not

As Tsu'tey was about to talk Jake and a female Navi walked in

You just walked over to Tsu'tey and stood behind him quietly

"Another dreamwalker?" Mo'at asked

"Another?" jake asked not noticing you

"Why did you bring this sky demon here?" Tsu'tey asked as he was overcome with hate which confused you because when he met you he wasn't hostile like this

"A woodsprite landed on him" the female said

Mo'at walked up to him and did the same thing she did to you

"This isn't like the other one, he doesn't seem as pure hearted as the other but we will still have him taught since there was a sign" she said

"Neytiri you will be his teacher" then everyone dispersed

Tsu'tey turned around and grabbed your hand again

"follow me" he said as he dragged you past Neytiri and jake

You ended up infront of a bunch of nets where you already saw some navi sleeping

"You will sleep here next to me" he said as he got into his net like sleeping pod

You slowly and carefully got into yours and laid down facing him who was watching you

"Thank you" you said bowing your head

He smirked

"Sleep.....we will start tomorrow" he said as you both went to sleep

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