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A/N: bold and slanted like this hello, means they're talking in navi

It was the next morning and you woke up earlier than Tsu'tey so you could practice with Neytiri, you quietly left your hammock and headed to a more private area where you and Neytiri discussed to meet

"Finally" she said as you approached her


"Lets get started" she said as you sat infront of her

For the next two hours you practiced, she got frustrated sometimes with you but you tried your best because you knew this was important

"Okay that is enough for today, you aren't bad but you need a lot more practice" she said as she walked away

"Thank you" you said as she left

As you made your way back to the eating area you mumbled some words in navi, trying to practice

Then you felt arms wrap around you from the back, knowing it was Tsu'tey, you leaned into him

"Hello my love" you said

"This is new" he says laughing

"Is it good?" you asked nervous

He turned you around and kneeled down a bit to look at you

"Its good but you barely speak Navi, why now" he asked

"I want to be able to speak with you better and its not fair for you to always speak English, plus we have Light now and she should have both parents be able to speak Navi" you said excited

"Thank you" he said as he lightly grazed your lips

You both stayed like that for a while until Mo'at interrupted you

"You really love her, I've never seen you act like this with anyone else" She stated but you weren't sure what she said because you didn't know that much Navi yet

"She is my everything" he stated as he looked at you with complete love in his eyes

You decided that tonight you would show him how much he meant to you like he did for you last night

"Come, I wanna bring you to a special place!" he said as he grabbed your hand and helped you up on his dire horse

After a while of riding you got to a place you have never been before, you jumped off the dire horse and walked closer to the plants

They were huge as usual, they were glowing and pink, it was beautiful

"Tsu'tey this place is amazing" you say as you look back at him

"I found this place a while ago and wanted to wait for the perfect moment to bring you here" he said as he sat down in front of you

You got down and straddled his lap, causing him to place his hands on your hips

"Can i show you something" you ask

He just nods

You reach behind his back and slowly bring his braid to the front and brought yours forward, then attaching them together, gasping at the feeling like every time before

You held his face and showed him every single feeling, every single memory, every thought, and touch he had given you, the way he still gave you butterflies when he was near you, how he gave you a life that you never thought you would have, how he made you feel completely loved, strong and beautiful. You could never be without him........he, he was your life, mate, soulmate and love. How he tried so hard to talk to you in english and made you feel so welcomed even when you knew he didn't trust the sky people, he was your everything

After showing him everything you have been holding inside you pulled away with tears in your eyes, he opened his eyes and he had the brightest smile

"I see you" you said as you played with his hair

"I see you" he responded as he pulled you into a kiss

The kiss was passionate, it had been so long since you've both been this intimate, and you missed this so much. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him, your tail was waving around in excitement and you felt him smile into the kiss, he held your tail and let it slide through his hand

"I missed this" you stated

"Me too" he said as he helped pull off your beaded top

Everytime he saw your naked upper body he was shocked since you were a bit larger than the other navi women

You pulled his lower fabric back as he did the same for you, you sat up and he helped guide you down onto him

"Mmmmm" you whined

"Are you okay?" he asked concerned as he rubbed your back

"Its just sore since this is the first time since giving birth, just give me a moment" you said as you leaned your head on his shoulder

You sat there, braids still together. You leaned back looking at him

"Im ready"

The rest of the night you spent the whole time wrapped in each others embrace, this type of love was not what you ever thought you would get, people on earth were cruel, but being here with Tsu'tey made you feel incredibly lucky

As you were laying down on the glowing ground, face to face, you couldn't stop looking at him

"We should get back to Light before the Elders claim her as their own" he laughed as he brushed your hair aside

"Okay" you smiled

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