Little Light

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It has been five months since you found out that you were pregnant again and five months since Tutean had been banished, at first you were nervous he would try and take revenge on you and Tsu'tey but after a while and from the help of Tsu'tey calming you down you relaxed

You were walking around the spirit trees with Light clinging to your back like a little spider monkey, you wanted to carry her but your bump was bigger now so it would be hard to carry her

In the last week or so Tsu'tey and many other men had been gone on a trip to look for more food, you really missed him but this was the first time that you had been alone to take care of light and you made sure she was with you the whole time, that's probably why she's clinging to you

You sat on the ground with the little trees glowing around you, light made her way to your lap and tried to lay against you, she found it peaceful here too, every once in a while the seeds would land on her and she loved it

Tsu'tey had told you that Navi babies grow faster which makes sense as to why she's already talking and running around but she was a peaceful child she liked to stay close to you and Tsu'tey

"I miss papa" she said as she looked at your bump

"Me too but he'll be back soon, don't worry" you said smiling trying to cheer her up

"Okay mama.....when will the baby be here?" She asked, poking you

"Soon, and when the baby comes you will be a big sister and you'll have a baby brother or sister!" She smiled in excitement

You noticed she seemed alone sometimes, she only played with a few when she had to and it worried you and Tsu'tey sometimes, so hopefully with the new baby she will grow more confident

"You know now that your old enough, do you wanna hear how I met your papa?" You asked and her eyes sparkled with joy

"Oh yes please!" You knew she was gonna be a hopeless romantic when she grew up(relatable)

"Well I came from a planet far far away and I didn't look like this, I was really small and pale, I had h/c and e/c, but then with the help of science and Eywa I was able to look like this, and one day I was walking around here and got lost from the others that came to this planet with me, it started to get dark and that's when someone found me, can you guess who?"

"Was it papa!!!" She squealed

"Yes papa found me and from there he helped teach me how to live with the Navi, and very quickly we fell in love and by miracle we had you"

She got up and hugged you, she was about as tall as you when you were sitting down

"I hope one day I find a connection with someone" she whispered

"You will, just be patient" you smiled

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