My babies

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"It's time to push"

I pushed and it hurt, oh it hurt so much but I kept going for my babies, for my two daughters and for my love

"Okay breathe" Ronal said

I gasped for air and I could feel Tsu'tey brushing my hair and rubbing my arms trying to sooth me

"You're doing great mom!" Light said cheering me on just like when I had Nima

I started pushing again and I felt a big release, then a babies cry, I huffed out of breathe and looked down to see Ronal holding a little blue Navi

"It's a girl!" She said as she handed her to Light as she got back to helping me

"Okay just one more time y/n, one more baby"

"You've got this my love" Tsu'tey whispered

Tears were streaming down my face and my lips were quivering but I had to do this

I pushed hard one last time and then I heard the cry again

My babies were safe, and I was exhausted

"I want to hold them" I said weakly

They placed them on my chest and I wrapped my arms around them as their cries died down, I looked down and they were beautiful

"Oh my babies"

"We have a little girl and a boy, you did it baby" Tsu'tey said as he placed his hand over mine

That's when everything started to getting hazy, I could see black dots everywhere

"Tsu'tey I don't....I don't feel right" I said as Light and Nima took their siblings off my chest

He got out from behind me and laid me down, Ronal coming to help

"What wrong love?" He asked scared

I could barely hear, my head felt dizzy and I could hear my heart beat then everything went black

Tsu'tey Pov~

"Y/n? Y/N?" I said shaking her

"Ronal what's happening?" She started to do what Tshaiks practice

"I'm sorry she's not breathing" she said stepping back

"No no no no no, my love come back you need to come back" I cried out

Jake ran over as he and Neytiri were at the front of the pod

He started pushing on her chest then breathing into her mouth

"What are you doing" I asked confused

"She needs some old school help, she's not dying like this"

I held her hand praying to Eywa, I couldn't do this alone, how was I suppose to raise 4 children alone, she was my everything, always there to make me feel okay

Light and Nima were crying as they held their baby siblings, Neteyam had his arms wrapped around Light

Jake was putting all his strength into pushing on her chest when she shot up gasping for air

I quickly held her to my chest

"Oh my baby, my love you're here" I cried as I placed a million kisses on her face

"What happened?" She asked looking up at me

"Nothing my love, look at our babies, they are here" I knew if I told her what happened she's never feel the same she'd go through all that guilt about almost leaving us, she always got depressed after giving birth and she didn't deserve that guilt on top of that

She took our little girl while I held our boy, he looked just like me, 4 little fingers, little whisp of black hair and big yellow eyes, I was so entranced by him I didn't realize y/n wanted to switch until Light took him out of my arms as y/n placed our little girl in mine now

Of course she looked like y/n, 5 fingers, green eyes, light blue skin compared to my darker blue skin

She was beautiful

"What should we name them?" Nima asked excited

"What do you think girls?" Y/n asked them

"How about Neitili and Tayku?" Light said

"I like it how about you Love?" I asked

"It's perfect, this is perfect, my little Neitili and Tayku" she said as she played with Takyus little fingers

This is everything to me, she's given me everything, I have to find a way to repay the Love of my life

They finally have a baby boy hehehehhe

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