They are coming

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Me and Tsu'tey we sitting in our pod getting food ready for Light and Nima while they were weaving extra baskets since it was a rainy day

That's when we heard Jake and Tonowari talk outside near our pod, of course being curious Tsu'tey walked closer to listen

All I heard was mumbles but I noticed Tsu'teys ears tuck back and his eyes widen, making my heart skip a beat, he was rarely ever scared so this must be bad

"Tsu'tey what is it?" I asked waving for him to come sit back down next to me

"Tonowari has been informed by the people living on the other islands that the sky people are looking for all of us, he's getting closer"

This worried me, of course I was scared for my family and Jakes family but there's something I haven't told Tsu'tey yet, but I guess now is the time to tell him

"Tsu'tey I need to tell you something, I was going to wait to tell you but now with the others looking for us you need to know" this made Light and Nima even looked nervous

"What is it?" His brow was furrowed and it made me scared to tell him

I took a deep breathe

"I'm pregnant"

Nobody said anything for a moment and the butterflies in my stomach felt like they were going to explode

"Really" he asked as he placed his hand on my still flat belly

"Yes, Ronal could tell somehow.....are you mad?"

"Of course I'm not mad.....I'm scared, they are coming, how am I suppose to protect you all" he said

"We can help protect mom, you have taught us to be strong warriors" Light said

"Ya we can do this!" Nima chimed in

"I'll try the best I can with not being able to use my connection through my braid while it damaged" Light said(in the Neteyam story there's a whole chapter about what happened)

"Ya and with the Sullys and the clan by our side we can get through this" Nima said trying to help

"Okay, we should probably talk to Jake and Neytiri and see what they are thinking about all of this" I said

He agreed but there was this feeling I couldn't shake that something terrible was going to happen

Tsu'tey x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now