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The next day you woke up to a lot of noise, you and Tsu'tey picked up light and walked to where the commotion was

"What is happening" Tsu'tey asked neytiri

"Mo'at said that Tutean is banished from our tribe and some members are not happy about it"

"MO'AT WHAT IS GOING ON WHAT DID HE DO" another member yelled

"Tutean went against one of our clan rules, he disturbed the peace and assaulted a member, I'm not saying who for privacy reasons" she said

You felt relived but still tense since he was glaring daggers at you, Tsu'tey noticed and pulled you close to his chest while light was still clung to your back

"Do you want to leave while this happens?" He asked concerned

You just nodded you didn't want to be near Tutean any longer and you didn't want Light to witness the banishment

You three walked off and sat in a tree near the edge of a cliff, you liked it here, you sometimes came with light to calm her down when she was upset

"Are you okay?" He asked after sitting in silence for a while

"I'm okay, I feel bad for getting him sent away but....I don't feel safe with him here and now we have light and the little one to worry about"

"He's gone now, I'm your protector, light and this baby will have no harm come to them as long as I'm here" he says with his thick accent as he pulls you close and Light crawls into his lap, watching the beautiful Pandora sky

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