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You got back to where the elders where and picked up Light

"Thank you" you said to them grateful that you had this support system

You walked back to where Tsu'tey was sitting with some other tribe members. You sat next to him and started to feed her, you were self conscious at first, when you first started feeding her but all the other mothers in the tribe said it was fine to do it in the open and that the body is a natural thing

You continued to feed her while Tsu'tey wrapped his arm around you

"She looks tired" he said smiling

"She is always tired, she's like me" you giggled

As you both sat there with the others you noticed one of them starring intensely at you, you knew him as Tutean, he was part of Tsu'tey's hunting group

He always gave you a weird feeling and right now you were really uncomfortable, you turned more so you were leaning in closer to Tsu'tey and so your bare chest wasn't seen from Tutean's view and Tsu'tey noticed how your tail was curled in, which wasn't normal especially when you were around him

"Are you okay?" he whispered

You didn't answer and just glanced over at Tutean and he followed, once he saw the look on Tutean's face he grew angry, he pulled you close and growled at Tutean

This drew the attention of the others sitting around

"Tutean you better back off, they're mated" one of the others warned

He groaned and left

"Can we go?" you asked with worried eyes

He just nodded and led you back to where you slept, when you got there you were shocked

"What is this?" you asked excited

"While we were gone i had some of the builders of the clan make us a big enough hammock for all three of us, we are a family now we should be able to sleep together" he said as he hopped in motioning for you to join him

You slowly got in still holding light. You both laid down facing each other with Light in the middle of you both

"I love this thank you" you smiled

"I just didn't like being away from you at night" he said

"Can i ask you something?" you asked


"Is Tutean usually like that?"

He looked concerned which only made you worry

"He has had problems with the women in the clan in the past, just try not to interact with him okay"

"Okay i won't"


Hey loves please let me know how you are liking this story, if you have any feed back please leave it in the comments

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