Hard Time

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Its been a few days since you had given birth, you both decided to name her light, because you knew she was going to be special

But ever since, you have been having a hard time, you could barely sleep and it wasn't because the baby would wake up, she was an angel and slept through the night. You just couldn't get a comfortable sleep, you were so exhausted and sore and just so emotional but you didn't want to tell Tsu'tey or anyone because you knew that the clans women were so strong so you just kept it to yourself for as long as you could

You woke up and noticed everyone was out of their hammocks, you hurried down to where everyone usually was in the morning for the first meal and only a few members were left including Jake, Neytiri and Tsu'tey with Light

You sat down slowly infront of them and they looked up at you

"What took you so long?" Jake asked

"Ya are you falling behind?" Neytiri asked

You didn't answer, you were too tired and just motioned for Tsu'tey to hand you Light, you held her and felt calm as you played with her hair, Jake and Neytiri eventually left and you looked up to see a worried expression across Tsu'tey's face

"What?" you asked

"Are you okay? You have been acting different ever since you gave birth"

You stood up and motioned for him to follow you, he ran up behind you and held your lower back to direct you to the baby soul trees. When you finally got there you both sat down, you held Light close to your chest

"Now tell me whats wrong"

"I didn't want to say anything because I know how strong the women are here and powerful but......i've been having such a hard time lately, I thought I would be happier now but im just so tired and i feel so helpless and i just feel like im not enough for you anymore" you pleaded as you cried your heart out

He looked shocked

"You are so strong what are you talking about, your heart is full of love, you helped our people, you made me feel loved, you gave me a life I never thought I would have, you gave me her, you're my everything" He said as he took his braid and attached it to yours and he began showing you all his memories of you through his eyes and the emotions he felt for you

The feelings were overwhelming, in a good way, the way he felt for you and the way he saw you was indescribable. It made you feel so beautiful and amazing and your worries slowly faded away

"There is nothing you could ever do to make me not love you" he said making you feel better

"how about we see if the members who watch the children will take care of Light tomorrow and me and you can have a day together" he said

"I would love that" you said finally relaxed


Later that evening you found Neytiri and brought her away from the others

"Is something wrong?"

"No i was just wondering maybe.....If whenever you had free time you would be able to help me learn your language more" you asked embarrased

"Why can't Tsu'tey do it?"

"I want to surprise him, I know he has a hard time sometimes with English so i want to make a effort"

"Okay i will help" she said smiling

"Thank you"

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