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(Okay so this I gonna be the last chapter for a while BECAUSE I want to watch the new movie first before I continue so I have more ideas on what to write and that goes for writing my new story between Light and Neyetam, I don't see the point in writing the story if I have no idea about him and the new plot💙🤍)

Lights POV~
Mama and papa just left me and Nima with the sully family, we haven't ever stayed the night without both of them

"I'm scared" Nima said to me as she clung onto my side

"It's okay, you have Lo'ak to play with, plus it's only one night and I'm here so it will be like a sleepover" I said patting her head reassuringly

Jake led Nima and I up to there little home in the trees where Lo'ak, Neteyam and Neytiri and Kiri were

Once we both got there we saw Lo'ak and Neteyam bubbling over in excitement, when they saw both of us they both ran over, Lo'ak and Nima ran off to the corner to play, meanwhile Neteyam had me tackled in a hug

I heard quiet laughter coming from Jake and Neytiri which made me embarrassed but I couldn't deny the feelings Neteyam gave me

"Mother told me that you are going to be staying the night!" He said as he got off me and sat down

"Yes mama and papa said they were hunting so we get to stay with you!"

"Do you maybe.....wanna sleep next to me tonight?" Neteyam asked, he looked like a blushing blueberry

"Sure, me and Nima have never been away from our parents, mama said this is like a sleepover, she said they did that where she came from" I said trying to calm him down a bit from his blushing

He looked at Jake with wonder

"Did you do this sleepover too father?" He asked

"Yes but we didn't usually have sleepovers with girls, only if you were really good friends" he said smiling

"So what do we do during sleepovers?" Neteyam asked

"You just have fun, tell secrets, do each others hair, at least that's what mama said"

"Okay let's do it all then" he said as he took your hand and led you over to the side where there was an opening to see the outside, pandora was so beautiful to me, I felt so connected

We both sat down and I noticed he was playing with my hair, he often did this a lot

"So do you have any secrets?" He asked

I loved him, but I could never admit that to him, I didn't want to scare him away

"I can make plants do what I want" I said telling another secret instead

"Really! Show me" he said shocked

We looked down over the edge and I focused on a big purple plant, I felt nature flow through me and I made the plant glow in the middle of the day

I looked back over at him and his eyes were huge

"How did you do that?"

"I don't know but you are the only one I have told so please keep it a secret"

"I will I promise" he said as he went back to play with your hair

"Well do you have any secrets?"

"Well I have been keeping this a secret kind of but I got a gift for you!" He said as he went into his pouch and pulled something out, he placed it flat in his hands and showed me

It was beautiful but I had no idea what it was, I picked it up trying to figure it out

"Wow! I love it but what is it?"

He looked nervous which was cute

"Mother found a bunch of these when she visited the place with lots of water and she said I could have some, father calls them seashells" he said

"I made it into a necklace for you" he said after a minute of me just looking at it

He took it and stood behind me, he tied it around my neck, I loved it, it made me feel like he might actually have feelings for me too

What he did next made me blush so hard

He sat behind me and pulled my back into him like a hug, my head was pressed against his chest was comforting, it felt right, like I was suppose to be here with him

Neteyam POV~

I hesitated for a moment but I pulled her back into me, I loved having her close to me.....I...loved her, I loved her cute smile, her white hair, her fingers, especially the way she makes me feel

We sat together just looking outside, I can't believe she's been in my like for 4 years, it feels like a life time and we are still so young but I know she will be mine

Later that evening~

Light POV~
We all finished our meal and got ready for bed, Nima and Lo'ak and Kiri were snuggled up next to Jake and Neytiri, while Neteyam got extra bedding so I could sleep next to him

"Come" he said as he patted the spot next to him

I laid down facing him as he covered me with a makeshift leaf blanket

"Thank you"

He laid back down after covering me up

"Today was fun! We should have more sleepovers" I said moving a bit closer to him

"I would like that, we can ask our parents, maybe we can have one ever week!" He said excited

"We will see what they say but I would love that"

We both slowly drifted to sleep and I couldn't wait for the next sleepover

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