My baby

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Jake had just told the clan to go warn the Tulkun, while my dear Tsu'tey helped me calm down in the water

Jake and Neytiri came running panicked

"The kids are in trouble, we need to go now"

"You need to stay" Tsu'tey said

"No those are my babies I'm going" I said as we jumped on our Skimwings and took off

Once got to the location I saw my Nima tied up on the ship and I couldn't see Light anywhere

Jake was talking over his intercom to Quaritch and decided to go to the ship alone

Tsu'tey was sat behind me on the Skimwing and he held my waist tightly I knew he was nervous too

Then a Tulkun jumped out of the water and crashed onto the ship causing the fight to start

We all took flight towards the ship, I saw Neteyam and Light climb up and cut the others free

They all jumped in the water when the sky people took aim at them, I told the Skimwing to go faster as Tsu'tey warned Jake of the kids over his intercom

Once we got to them on the shore I saw my little girl, my Light bleeding out in Neteyams arms

She was gone

"No no no no, LIGHT NOOOOOO" I screamed falling to my knees

Tsu'tey held me close from behind as he cried

"Not my baby girl"

"Please Eywa don't take her" I heard Tsu'tey plead

I felt like the worst mother in the world, I wasn't there to protect her and now Neteyam is in the same position I was in many years ago

I saw the pain he was in, to lose your soulmate

I held her hand and placed it on my heart as Neteyam held her

We all sat their for hours, until Jake tried to pull Neteyam away from Light but he wouldn't budge

That's when she started glowing, a bright light flowed from her wound and in the next second she was alive again

"Eywa is real" she said

Her and Neteyam had a heart to heart and then she looked over and me Tsu'tey and Nima

"Mom, Dad im sorry" she cried

"Oh my baby, you're back with us" I smiled as I held here hand against my cheek

"Eywa is with us" Tsu'tey said as Nima placed Lights head in her lap

"Can we go home" she said tired

"Let's go my baby" I said as Tsu'tey picked her up and both mine and the sully family went back to the island

Neteyam rode right beside us and once we made it home he stayed in our pod with her, I couldn't blame him, he almost lost his love

That night I slept outside her sleeping area, I knew Neteyam wanted to stay with her but I couldn't stay to far away

Tsu'tey walked up behind me and laid with me, wrapping his arms around me

"I don't know if I can handle this my love" I said emotionally exhausted

"Today was hard, we need to rest, we will talk about everything in the morning okay"

"Okay.....I love you Tsu'tey"

"I love you too"

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