One of Them

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You woke up the next morning and quickly ate breakfast and jumped into your link pod

You woke up to see Tsu'tey shaking you awake

"Y/n PLEASE WAKE UP" he screamed

Once you fully woke, he pulled you up and you saw bulldozers tearing down the trees

He pulled you out of the way of danger, he pulled you close to your chest you felt tears in your eyes, you looked up at him and he was on the verge of crying as well

"Why would they do this" you whispered so upset

"We have to go, NOW" he said pulling you onto the back of a direhorse

You returned to the home tree and many were freaking out, Tsu'tey took your hand and brought you to the front where jake, Neytiri, Mo'at, Eytukan and Grace were

"What is happening?" Mo'at asked jake

"Look this is hard for me to say...the words are like stones in my heart but I was sent here to learn your ways and gain your trust so that one day i could bring you this message but they are going to detroy you" jake stated you were absolutely shocked

"Jake what are you knew this would happen" neytiri asked

"Yes...but things changed i fell in love with the forest with the people with you" he said

She pushed him away screaming

"TIE THEM ALL UP" Eytukan yelled

Two members of the clan grabbed you from behind

"NO y/n didn't know a thing about this" jake said

"She honestly didn't know please don't do this to her" grace said

Tsu'tey looked down at you and saw you crying

"I swear i didn't know i would never do this to any of you, you are my family" you stated

"I trust you" he said as he pushed the other two off of you and pulled you close

"Have you mated with her?" Mo'at spoke

"Yes we have" he said proudly

She didn't speak for a moment

"I approve" she said smiling at you

Next thing you hear is machines and helicopters flying above

"You need to leave they will kill you all" grace yelled then she passed out

Then jake did too, you looked at Tsu'tey scared

"Keep me safe my love" you said before you fell unconscious in his arms

You woke up to soldiers pulling you out of your link

This couldn't be how it ends

They took you away from the link pods and to the main station, while grace and jake were trying to convince parker to stop you snuck away and found an air mask, you took a gun and somehow made your way outside of the base without being seen

You made your way through the forest, you were so small compared to everything in your human body

You were just hoping you were going the right direction, you saw flames far far away and headed that way

By the time you got there it was night and there was no one there, so you went to the only place you could think of, where everyone would go, the tree of souls

It wasn't far but you were already so tired but you needed to get there, your oxygen was low

After another hour of walking you got there

You only had 15 minutes left of oxygen, you walked through the Navi people, once they saw you they made a path to the front for you

You walked up to Tsu'tey, everyone was watching you, after a second he finally recognized you and picked you up

"Tsu'tey I don't have a lot of oxygen time left....." you gasped

he panicked

"Shhhhhh.....its okay, did you walk all the way here?" he asked

"Yes I couldn't stand by and see this happen to you all (gasp for air) I just had to see you one last sorry" you breathed falling weaker and weaker

He was holding you close seeing you fade away

"Mo'at please we must do something I can't lose her" Tsu'tey yelled

"People bring her Navi body up here before Eywa and place her human body beside it" Mo'at spoke

The people did as told, Tsu'tey didn't leave your side

"If she is strong enough and passes through Eywa then she will become one of us" Mo'at said

Everyone chanted

Tsu'tey put his forehead against yours

"please come back to me" he whispered

Everything glowed and the next thing you know is you were gasping

You brought your hands up and you were successfully in your navi body

You turned around and saw your tiny human lifeless body and Tsu'tey

He sat next to you and pulled you close

"Did you see her? Did you see Eywa?" Mo'at asked

You had to try and remember then everything came flooding back to you making you look down at your stomach

"Yes i saw her, she is real...and she told me something" you said smiling up at Tsu'tey


"Im with child Tsu'tey" you said

He placed his hand on your stomach and smirked as he connected your queues, it felt different this time, like you were fully there

"I can feel it, i can feel them" he said as everyone yelled out in excitement, it was nice to have a glimmer off hope in such a dark time

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