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"Tsu'tey whats happening?" you asked weakly

"I don't know just hang in there" he said scooping you up and carrying you to Mo'at who was sitting infront of the tree of souls

"Mo'at please help her" he said as he laid you down in front of her, you moaned out in pain and discomfort

She placed her hand on your head closed her eyes concentrating

"She will not be able to fight, she is experiencing what many, but not all, navi women go through in early stages of pregnancy, she will be like this for a while"

You looked up at Tsu'tey

"Im sorry" you said

"Why are you sorry its not your fault, if anything its my fault" he said smirking

You giggled weakly

"You are so prideful" you said

"I will fight for you and my baby" he said

Mo'at was so proud of how much Tsu'tey has grown and how he finally could show his loving side to someone

"Rest my love" he says to you as he carries you to the side away from everybody

Next thing you remember is waking up and its night again, you slowly sit up still feeling a bit sick, no one was around so you walked back to the tree, thats where you saw everyone chanting and sitting around the tree, then you saw graces human fragile body laying next to her avatar body

Tsu'tey walked up behind you and pulled you back into his chest

"Whats happening?" you asked scared

"She was shot we don't know if she will make it" he whispers to you

You both watched as everything started to fade

"Im sorry jake she was to weak" Mo'at said

You turned around and hid your face in Tsu'tey's chest

You held him close

"This can't be happening" you whispered

"She is with Eywa now, she is at peace" he said kissing the top of your head

~1 Week Later~

"The battle will happen tomorrow we all have to be ready" Jake said to the people

Your belly had grown a bit, according to Mo'at, Navi pregnancy is a bit faster

"Everyone get some rest you will need it"

You waddled over to where Tsu'tey was sitting , he looked up and smiled when he saw you walking towards him

He opened his arms for you as you sat next to him, you knew this might be your last night with him

You sat up and straddled his lap, you looked deep into his eyes and placed your hands on his cheeks, admiring and remembering all his features, you held your tears in trying to be strong

"Tsu'tey, i will always love you, im so sorry this is happening"

"This isn't your fault, you are the only good thing to come out of the sky people, you are my mate and I will do everything in my power to make sure you and this child has a bright and happy future" he says like a warrior

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