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That night after everything settled you and Tsu'tey found a private area to sleep, you were laying like you always did, your back to his chest. He was always so warm and you loved it, he placed his hand on your tummy, it was still early but you were beyond happy

"Tsu'tey....." you said wondering if he was asleep

"Hmmmm" he said tiredly

"Im so scared, what if something happens to me and the baby or worse what if something happens to you, i wouldn't be able to deal with that" you said crying

"I will do everything i can to protect you both" he said turning you around so you were facing each other

"But who is going to protect you" you said placing your hand against his cheek

"That doesn't matter as long as you are safe" he said putting his hand on your waist

"But it does matter, if i lose you.....I can't live without you, you are my mate" you said hyperventilating

"You won't lose me i promise" he said placing a kiss on your forehead

You calmed down and fell asleep

The next morning you woke up in your real body, your forever body, you looked up and saw your love

"Good morning my love" you said smiling

"How was your first sleep in your true body" he said as he was laying over you

"It was amazing, i feel so refreshed but.......everything is going to change today isn't it?" you asked and he could see the glimpse of fear in your eyes

"It will"

"Can we.......can I be with you one last time before everything happens" you asked embarassed

"I would be honored" he said smirking

He leaned down and kissed you, it was so loving, he connected your queues and you let out a satisfying moan

He was being more gentle this time because of the baby

"I love you, i see you" you said putting your forehead to his

It felt like time slowed and that everything was going to be okay, he felt amazing and you could feel how much he loved you through your connection

"I see you" he whispered out after everything was done

"I wish we could stay like this forever" you said smiling weakly

Something didn't feel right, you started to get light headed and hot

"Tsu'tey whats happening"

Tsu'tey x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now