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You woke up the next morning in Tsu'tey's arms and it was peaceful, knowing there was no threat here anymore. You turned around and shook him awake

He groaned but once he saw you he perked up

"Is everything alright love?" he asked

"Ya everything is fine, im just happy" you said smiling as your tail started to sway again

He grabbed your tail and let it slide through his hand making shivers run over your skin

"I love when you do that" he says smiling

"Do what?" you asked confused

"When you sway your tail because your excited to see me" he said making you blush

"How could I not be excited when im around you, your my mate" you laughed

"We should get to the tribe before they think we are missing" he said as he slowly pulled you up

You both walked to where the tribe was meeting for the first meal of the day, you sat down next to neytiri

"You're huge" she said making others laugh

Unlike humans, you didn't wear much clothes so you couldn't really hide under anything, all you could wear was a makeshift bra and skirt

You folded your arms around your belly feeling extremely self conscious and Tsu'tey noticed

"Neytiri, shut it" he said in the native language, and she hissed back at him

You slowly got up having trouble and some started laughing again, you walked off to the newly growing patch of the glowing spirit trees

You sat on a stump and felt the seedlings land all over you until you were a basically just a glowing ball, you didn't bother moving, it tickled but they made you feel special and at peace, until you heard someone walking towards you and they all slowly floated away

"Were they on you again?" tsu'tey laughed

"Yes, i don't understand why they like me so much" you giggled

every night some would land on you, at least thats what tsu'tey said

"I think its because they realize how special you are!" He said kneeling in front of you and holding your belly

Then suddenly you felt a big kick causing you to gasp in pain

"WOW" you yelped

"WHAT? Whats wrong?" he asked concerned

"The baby just kicked" you said

Then you felt a pop and a huge gush of liquid down you legs

"Its coming" you said

He picked you up and ran to the healers, laying you down on the bed

"Please help her" he said to the healers in the native language

"Tsu'tey im scared" you said as you held his hand

"It will be okay love" he said as he pushed your hair back

The healers came in and started getting you ready

"Its time"

You started pushing and it hurt more than you could imagine, you had a break as you were sweating and crying profusely

"I can't do it, it hurts so much" you cried

"Yes you can, you're almost done, just one more push"

You gave one more push and you were done, hearing cries made you feel relieved

"You did it" he whispered to you as he took the little baby in his arms

"Its a little baby girl" he said handing her to you

"She's beautiful" she was blue and had dark yellow eyes but she didn't have the typical black hair, she had white hair

"Why does she have white hair? Is something wrong" you asked concerned

"I will go get Mo'at" the healer said

She came back minutes later after tsu'tey had cleaned you up

"Why have i been summoned?"

Tsu'tey picked up the baby and brought her to mo'at and she instantly gasped

"Is something wrong?" you asked trying to sit up

"No, the opposite, it looks like since Eywa chose you but you weren't made by her, she showed her presence and choice through your child" she said handing her back to you

"Thank you" you said looking up at tsu'tey

"For what?"

"For everything" you smiled as you both pressed your foreheads together

Tsu'tey x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now