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The next day you couldn't wait to get back into your avatar body, you didn't even take time to eat or talk to anyone and just hopped into the link machine

When you woke up you saw Tsu'tey over you, you instantly smiled

"Good morning" you tried to saw in his language

He seemed to appreciate it

"Come it is time for first meal" he said as he walked off

You jumped up and followed closely behind. When you got there, there was a huge table and everyone was sitting around it already eating, you sat beside Tsu'tey nervous, not knowing what to do

You sat there silently observing Tsu'tey to see what to do. You slowly did what he did, he could tell you were nervous so he wrapped his tail around yours

You looked up at him with a blush across your face making him smirk

You ate the food and it was delicious

"Its time to train, follow me" he said

After a long walk you came to a group of direhorses

"Slowly approach one and when you are ready mount it, and then make the connection with your queue in you braid" he said standing to the side to let you do it

You approached the direhorse and it was calm and you placed your hand on the front of its face, it bowed down a bit so you got on and connected the queue

"Good, now tell it through your connection what to do" he said

You told it to slowly move forward and then to speed up a bit, after a bit you told it to go back to tsu'tey, when you got there he seemed proud

"You are a fast learner" he said as he got on another direhorse

"Come" he said

You both rode the horses through the trees until you came to another clearing where you stopped beside him and saw jake trying to get on his direhorse but he was flung of and you giggled a bit, tsu'tey looked over and smiled at you, glad he got to teach you and not jake

"You will never be able to teach him" tsu'tey said to neytiri

"Well how is the female doing?" she asked seeming mad

"She is doing exceptionally well, much better than that sky demon" he said

"Why do you call him that but not her?" neytiri said

He didn't answer right away

"Because she isn't like the others.......we will see you back at home tree" he said as he turned around and rode off

You waved at them and followed

When you both got to the home tree you saw Tsu'tey walk off fast, you jumped off the back of direhorse and followed him concerned

After following him for awhile he finally stopped in the glowing trees where he found you last night, and it was starting to get dark again illuminating the forest

He sat down on the ground and you slowly sat in front of him, he seemed upset or something, you couldn't tell

You carefully placed your hand on his shoulder and he looked up at you

There was a gleam in his eyes that you haven't seen before

"Are you okay?" you asked concerned

"Why do you care?" he asked confused

"Because you have treated me well, and I don't want to see you upset because it makes me sad aswell" you stated

He placed his hand on yours

"I am suppose to be mated to Neytiri but there is something special about you and she has never made me feel the way you make me feel even though i have just met you" he said smiling a bit

"How do I make you feel" you asked a bit excited as your tail swayed again

"The way you are nice and quiet unlike the other sky people, the way you get excited around me and sway your tail without even noticing it, and how you are just one with nature, im glad Eywa chose you" he said as he moved your hair back

"Im glad im not the only one that feels this way" you said smiling

He leaned forward and placed his forehead against yours, it wasn't weird, it felt so calming

After a while he pulled back and he was smiling brightly it made your heart skip a beat

"Im glad Mo'at chose you to teach me"

"Me too, would you want to stay here tonight....with me?" he asked

"Is it safe" you asked

"Yes, within the glowing trees it it okay, now lets sleep" he said as he you both down

You turned your back to him and he placed his arm under you and pulling you to his chest

This didn't feel real, you didn't want to admit it but you felt like you were falling in love

Tsu'tey x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now