Alone time

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You were about to leave with Tsu'tey but had to drop off Light and Nima first

"Now you be good to Jake and neytiri okay" you said to both of them

"Yes mama" they said at the same time

You kneeled down and they both jumped into your arms before they moved over to Tsu'tey and hugged his legs

"Bye papa we will miss you" they said

You were starting to realize they kind of favoured him

"We will take good care of them, now go and enjoy your time" Jake said as he shooed you both away

You both got on the back of Tsu'tey's direhorse and you were off, he said he was taking you to a place that was beautiful and would help you both relax

It felt like forever but you didn't mind, you had your arms wrapped around us slim waist and laid you head against his back, it was comforting to know that you will finally get some time with him, yes you loved Light and Nima unconditionally but you needed that time to show your love for Tsu'tey and be you again

It was past mid day when you finally reached your destination, it was near the water with many trees around and different hot springs, the water was a beautiful crystal green and blue and a small hut near the springs

You both got off the direhorse and you were at a lose for words

"This place has been a part of our people for a long time, it is used for these situations when parents need time away, I thought you would be happy here" he said as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders from behind

You held his arms and looked back up at him

"I love it Tsu'tey, this is going to be so much fun, it's going to feel like that first night we spent together so many years ago" you smiled

He placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head before he guided you towards the hut

"We will eat first and then after a bit we will get in the water"

"But I didn't bring anything else to wear" you said feeling stupid for not bringing an extra change of loin cloth and beaded covering

"I know...that's the point" he smirked

At that statement your face started to heat up

"Oh" you nervously laughed

After having food~

He stripped down to nothing and got into the water, you were fantasized by him, he was.....beautiful

"Well are you going to come in?" He said breaking you out of your ogling

You slowly took of you little amount of clothes and walked into the spring

Once you got to him he grabbed a hold of your waist and pulled you firmly against him, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and just gazed into his big yellow eyes for a while

"I missed this, being completely alone with you with no distractions" he stated

"I missed you too, of course I love our children more than life itself but you are my mate and sometimes I just need you" you said smiling

He placed a gentle kiss to your lips, it was gentle yet there was so much love behind it

"We can get to all that later, let's relax for now" he smiled

You both swam along each other and enjoyed each others presence for hours until the sun started to set

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You both swam along each other and enjoyed each others presence for hours until the sun started to set

The water started to glow and all the plants became alive with light

You swam to the edge and pulled yourself up to sit on the ground, Tsu'tey swam over to you and stood between your legs

In this moment you felt so in love with him, still throughout the years he never once made you feel like you were anything less that perfect

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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